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Title: Hubungan Kreativitas dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Adversity Quotient Guru di Sekolah Entrepreneurship ST. Ignasius
Other Titles: The correlation between Creativity and Social Support through Adversity Quotient of Saint Ignasius Entrepreneurship Schools’ Teachers
Authors: Sarumaha, Paulus Asa Zohahan
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nur'aini
Keywords: Kreativitas;Dukungan Sosial;Adversity Quotient;Creativity;Social Support
Issue Date: Mar-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;161804039
Abstract: Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kreativitas dan dukungan sosial dengan adversity quotient pada guru-guru di sekolah entrepreneurship St. Ignasius dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 74 guru. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis regresi berganda mengunakan SPSS. Versi. 22 menunjukkan harga koefisien korelasi R = 0,720 dengan P = 0,000 < 0,05. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel kreativitas dan dukungan sosial berkorelasi signifikan dengan variabel adversity quotient. Koefisien determinan (R²) dari hubungan antara kreativitas (X1) dan dukungan sosial (X2) dengan adversity quotient (Y) adalah 0,518. Ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel adversity quotient dapat dibentuk oleh kreativitas dan dukungan sosial sebesar 51,8%. Hubungan yang signifikan diperoleh dari hasil analisis hubungan parsial antara dukungan sosial dengan adversity quotient diperoleh nilai t = 7,776 dan p = 0,000. Hubungan antara adversity quotient dengan kreativitas menunjukkan suatu hubungan yang tidak signifikan dengan nilai t = 1,531 dan p = 0,130. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kreativitas dan dukungan sosial terhadap adversity quotient pada guru di Sekolah Entrepreneurship St. Ignasius. This research was correlational research. The purpose of this research was to determine the correlation between creativity and social support through adversity quotient of the teachers at Saint Ignasius Entrepreneurship Schools with a total sample was 74 people. The result of multiple regression analysis used SPSS version 22 found the value of the correlation coefficient R = 0.720 with P = 0.000<0.05. This research showed that creativity variable and social support correlated significantly to adversity quotient variable. The coefficient determinant (R2 ) of the correlation between creativity (X1) and social support (X2) through adversity quotient (Y) was 0.518. This proves that adversity quotient can be built by creativity and social support in the amount of 51.8%. The significant correlation is got from the analysis of partial correlation between social support and adversity quotient where the t value = 7.776 and p = 0.000. The correlation between adversity quotient and creativity proves the no-significant correlation where the t value = 1.531 and p = 0.130. The conclusion is there is positive and significant correlation between creativity and social support through adversity quotient of the teachers at Saint Ignasius Entrepreneurship Schools.
Description: 115 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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