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dc.contributor.advisorRkt, Nuril Mahda-
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Rayyan Zufri-
dc.description80 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPersimpanganTitipanJalanYosSudarsoMedanmerupakanwilayahkomersilyang memilikikepadatankegiatanmasyarakat umum. Kegiatanjualbeliatauperniagaan setiap saat selalu berlangsung di wilayah tersebut, seperti halnya pasar dan pertokoan. Banyaknya masyarakat yang melakukan kegiatan berjualan di bahu jalan menyebabkan kondisi lalu lintas di wilayah ini menjadi terganggu, bahkan terkadang terdapat masyarakat yang berjualan hingga ke bagian samping jalan, walaupun sudah tersedia bangunan pasar untuk berjualan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kinerja persimpangan Titipapan Jalan Yos Sudarso Medan saat terjadi kemacetan pada jam puncak. Hasil penelitian menunjuakan kinerja pada simpang Titipapan jalan Yos Sudarso pada tanggal 26 Mei 2024 memiliki nilai C 2324 smp/jam, Q 1885,9 smp/jam, DJ 0,81, T 13,93 det/smp, dan PA 26,51% - 85,08%. Pada tanggal 27 Mei 2024 memiliki nilai C 1963smp/jam,Q1952,1smp/jam,DJ0,99,Tsebesar18,78det/smp,danPA 39,73%-127,44%.Padatanggal28Mei2024memilikinilaiC2299smp/jam,Q 2274,4smp/jam,DJsebesar0,99,Tsebesar18,55det/smp,danPA39,29%- 126,01%. The intersection of Titipan Jalan YosSudarso Medan is a commercial area that has a high density of general public activities. Buying and selling or commercial activities always take place in this area at any time, such as markets and shops. The large number of people who sell on the side of the road causes traffic conditions in this area to become disturbed, and sometimes there are people who sell on the side of the road, even though there is a market building available for selling. The aim to be achieved in this research is to determine the performance of the Jalan Yos Sudarso Medan Titipapan intersection when traffic jams occur during peak hours. The results of the research show that the performance at the Titipapan Jalan Yos Sudarso intersection on May 26 2024 had a C value of 2324 pcu/hour, Q 1885.9 pcu/hour, DJ 0.81, T 13.93 sec/pcu, and PA 26.51% - 85.08%. On May 27 2024 it has a C value of 1963 smp/hour, Q 1952.1 smp/hour, DJ 0.99, T of 18.78 sec/pcu, and PA 39.73%-127.44%. On 28 May 2024 it had a value of C2299 pcu/hour, Q 2274.4 pcu/hour, DJ of 0.99, T of 18.55 sec/pcu, and PA of 39.29% - 126.01%.en_US
dc.subjectderajat kejenuhanen_US
dc.subjecthambatan sampingen_US
dc.subjectjalan yos sudarsoen_US
dc.subjectkinerja simpangen_US
dc.subjectpkji 2023en_US
dc.subjectdegree of saturationen_US
dc.subjectside obstaclesen_US
dc.subjectintersection perfomanceen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kemacetan Lalu Lintas di Simpang Titipapan Jalan Yos Sudarso Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Traffic Congestion at the Titipapan Intersection on Jalan Yos Sudarso Medanen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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