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Title: Gambaran Iklim Organisasi Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara
Other Titles: Description of the Organizational Climate of North Tapanuli Regency Regional Secretariat Employees
Authors: Lumbantobing, Hikia N S
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Khairuddin
Keywords: iklim organisasi;sekretariat daerah;pegawai;organizational climate;regional secretariat;employees
Issue Date: 19-Dec-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;208600121
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Gambaran Iklim Organisasi Pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 118, sampel dari penelitian ini 55 pegawai Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan skala iklim organisasi yang disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek yang dikemukakan oleh Kolb dan Kulbin (1984) menjelaskan tujuh aspek iklim organisasi yaitu: konformitas, tanggung jawab, standart, imbalan, kejelasan organisasi, dukungan dan kehangatan dan kepemimpinan. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif presentase dan analisis deskriptif frekuensi (f%). Dari hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai rata-rata aspek konformitas sebesar 13,11 ,nilai rata-rata aspek tanggung jawab sebesar 13,09 ,nilai rata-rata aspek kepemimpinan sebesar 13,04 , nilai rata-rata aspek standart sebesar 12,95 , nilai rata-rata aspek kejelasan organisasi sebesar 12,89 , nilai rata-rata aspek dukungan dan kehangatan sebesar 12,82 dan nilai rata-rata aspek imbalan sebesar 8,89. Aspek yang memiliki persentase tertinggi yaitu nilai rata-rata aspek konformitas sebesar 13,11 dan yang memiliki persentase terendah yaitu nilai rata-rata aspek imbalan sebesar 8,89. This research aims to determine the description of the organizational climate of North Tapanuli Regency Regional Secretariat Employees. This research uses descriptive quantitative research methods. The population in this study was 118, the sample from this study was 55 employees of the Regional Secretariat of North Tapanuli Regency. The sampling technique in this research used a simple random sampling technique. The measuring tool for this research uses an organizational climate scale which is prepared based on the aspects proposed by Kolb and Kulbin (1984) explaining seven aspects of organizational climate, namely: conformity, responsibility, standards, rewards, organizational clarity, support and warmth and leadership. The data analysis techniques used are percentage descriptive analysis techniques and frequency descriptive analysis (f%). From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the average value of the conformity aspect is 13.11, the average value of the responsibility aspect is 13.09, the average value of the leadership aspect is 13.04, the average value of the standard aspect is 12.95, the average value of the organizational clarity aspect is 12.89, the average value of the support and warmth aspect is 12.82 and the average value of the rewards aspect is 8.89. The aspect that has the highest percentage is the average value of the conformity aspect of 13.11 and the one that has the lowest percentage is the average value of the reward aspect of 8.89.
Description: 83 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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