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dc.contributor.authorKurniyadi, Heri-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to determine the effect of solid organic fertilizer banana peel on the growth kailan (Brassica oleracea var achepala) with the addition of manure at the same dosage. This research was conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture University Medan Area located on the street Pool No. 1 Terrain Estate, District Percut Sei Tuan with a height of about 21 meters above sea level, with a flat topography. The study was conducted from May 2015 to June 2015. The study used randomized block design (RAK) Factorial with a banana skin factor composting and treatment of manure. Factors composting banana skin (P) consists of: P0 = without compost banana peels, P1 = compost banana peels as much as 20 g / plant, P2 = compost banana peels as much as 40 g / plant, P3 = compost banana peels as much as 60 g/plant , Manure treatment factor (K) consisting of: K1 = cow manure as much as 2.5 Kg/plot, K2= chicken manure as much as 2.5 kg / plot. The results showed that treatment of compost and manure banana skin showed no effect on the growth and yield of kailan (Brassica oleracea var achepala).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectBanana Skin Composten_US
dc.titleRespon Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kailan (Brassica Oleracea Var Achepala) Terhadap Pemberian Kompos Kulit Pisang dan Pupuk Kandangen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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