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dc.contributor.advisorYanti, Nefi Damayanti-
dc.contributor.authorSipayung, Ervandi-
dc.descriptionPenelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data secara empiris mengenai hubungan kualitas layanan dengan loyalitas pelanggan pada pengguna kartu Telkomsel. Sejalan dengan landasan teori, maka diajukan hipotesa yang berbunyi ada hubungan positif antara kualitas layanan dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Dimana semakin baik kualitas layanan, maka akan semakin tinggi pula loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitan ini melibatkan 50 mahasiswa fakultas psikologi universitas medan area stambuk 2016 yang menggunakan kartu Telkomsel sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument skala kualitas layanan dan skala loyalitas pelanggan. Skala kualitas layanan disusun berdasarkan aspekaspek yaitu: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, dan Empathy. Skala loyalitas pelanggan disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek yaitu: pembelian ulang, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi produk, rasa suka kepada produk, ketetapan pada produk, keyakinan pada produk tertentu yang terbaik, dan perekomendasian produk kepada orang lain. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh hasil terdapat hubungan positif antara kualitas layanan dengan loyalitas pelanggan. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi, dimana rxy = 0.529 ; p = 0.01 < 0.05. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R square) penelitian dengan nilai sebesar 0.280. Dapat diartikan bahwa variabel kualitas layanan mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan sebesar 28%en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research is quantitative research that aims to examine and to get the data empirically about the relationship between service quality with customers’ loyalty of Telkomsel card users. Based on the theoretical framework, the researcher proposed a hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between service quality and customers’ loyalty. If service quality is better, so customers’ loyalty is higher. The samples of this research involve 50 psychology faculty students of Medan Area University ledger 2016 that used Telkomsel card which were choosen by using purposive sampling. The instrument of this research used for scale of service quality and customers’ loyalty. Service quality scale is arranged based on the aspects that is: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.Customers’ loyalty scale is arranged based on the aspects that is: purchase, consumption habits, like the product, decision of product, the conviction on certain product that are best, and product recommendations to others. Based on the analysis of the data, obtained the result that there is a positive relationship between service quality with customers’ loyalty. This is evidenced by the result of the correlation coefficient, which is rxy = 0.529 ; p = 0.01 < 0.05 . The value of the coefficient of determination (R square) of research is 0.280. It means that the variable of service quality affects customers’ loyalty by 28%en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectservice quality, customers’ loyaltyen_US
dc.subjectkualitas layanan, loyalitas pelangganen_US
dc.titleHubungan Kualitas Layanan Dengan Loyalitas Pelanggan Pengguna Kartu Telkomsel Pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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