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Title: Perbedaan Kecemasan Menghadapi Pensiun di Tinjau Dari Tipe Kepribadian Ekstrovert dan Introvers Pada Pegawai di PT. PLN Binjai
Authors: Atmaja, Donny Bima
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Darmayanti, Nefi
Alfita, Laili
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: This study aims to determine the differences in anxiety facing retirement in terms of extroverted personality type and introvert on employees of PT. PLN Binjai. Anxiety is a subjective, emotional experience, perceived as unpleasant and the source unknown. The research used quantitative research method. The sampling technique in this research is total sampling, with the total sample is 65 people. Of the 65 subjects known that there are 26 people have extroverted personality and who have introvert personality amounted to 39 people. The method of data analysis used is 1 lane variance analysis method. The result of data anlisa got anxiety facing pension between extrovert and introvert personality type with value p = 0,153 with p> 0,05, meaning there is no difference of anxiety facing pension in terms of extrovert personality type and introvert at employee. None of these differences can be influenced by various factors such as the personality, worldviews and mindset of the wrong individual. Furthermore, by looking at the average value it is known that extrovert personality type employees have anxiety facing higher pensions with an average grade of 9,613 compared with employees of introverted personality types with an average grade of 10,920. then result of calculation of empirical mean & hypothetical mean obtained that anxiety face pension at employee of extrovert and introvert personality type at PT. PLN Binjai is in the high category because the hypothetical mean (65) is greater than the empirical mean (55,38), where the difference exceeds the value of SD (9,613), and the anxiety of retiring on the introverted personality type employees in PT. PLN Binjai is in the low category because the empirical mean (51.56) is not different (not exceeding the number of SD or SB (10,920) with the hypothetical average value (65). Therefore the hypothesis is rejected
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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