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Title: Hubungan antara Self-Efficacy dan Dukungan Sosial dengan Coping Stress pada Petani Hortikultura dalam Mengelola Usaha Tani di Saribudolok
Authors: Saragih, Sabrina Agrivita
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Menanti, Asih
Budiman, Zuhdi
Keywords: coping stres;self efficacy;dukungan sosial;social support
Issue Date: 30-Aug-2017
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between self-efficacy and social support with coping stress on horticulture farmers. The study was conducted in Saribudolok sample random sampling with 160 horticultural farmers for vegetable farmers as sample. The methods of data collections is through coping stress scale (focused coping stress), self-efficacy scale, and social support scale (sosial support). The data analysis technique used multiple regression with the following results: 1) There is a positive relationship between self-efficacy with coping stress with Rxy = 0,464 with p < 0,05; with 21.6% contribution 2) There is a positive relationship between social support relationship with coping stress with Rxy = 0,180 with p < 0,05; with 3.2% contribution 3) There is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and social support with coping stress with F 23,072 and Rxy = 0,477 while R2 = 0,227 with p < 0,05. The total effective contribution of self-efficacy variables and social support with stress coping is 22.7%. This means that there is still 77.3% influence from other factors to coping stress.
Description: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat hubungan antara self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial dengan coping stress pada petani hortikultura. Penelitian dilakukan di Saribudolok dengan tehnik sampel acak sederhana, sebesar 160 orang petani hortikultura khusus petani sayur mayur. Metode pengumpulan data melalui skala coping stress (focused coping stress), skala self-eficcay, dan skala dukungan sosial (sosial support). Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan regresi berganda dengan hasil sebagai berikut: 1) Ada hubungan positif antara self-efficacy dengan coping stress dengan Rxy = 0,464 dengan p < 0,05; besar sumbangan 21,6%. 2) Ada hubungan positif antara hubungan dukungan sosial dengan coping stress dengan Rxy = 0,180 dengan p < 0,05; besar sumbangan 3,2%. 3) Ada hubungan positif antara self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial dengan coping stress dengan F 23,072 dan Rxy = 0,477 sedangkan R2 = 0,227 dengan p < 0,05. Total sumbangan efektif variabel self-efficacy dan dukungan sosial dengan coping stress adalah 22,7%. Artinya masih ada 77,3 % pengaruh dari faktor lain terhadap coping stress.
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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