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dc.contributor.advisorMubarak, Ridho-
dc.contributor.advisorZulyadi, Rizkan-
dc.contributor.authorSiregar, Rizki Dwi Wira-
dc.descriptionHukum Kepolisian adalah mengatur dan memaksa memuat baik ketentuan prosedural maupun substantif. Mengatur : memberi pedoman tentang cara pelaksanaan tugas polisi yang sebaiknya. Memaksa : memberi paksaan kepada polisi untuk melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya sesuai ketentuan perundang-undangan dan kewajiban umumnya dan bagi yang tidak mematuhinya dikenakan sanksi. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Peranan Kepolisan terhadap kecelakaan lalu lintas yang diselesaikan dengan pendekatan keadilan restorative justice di Wilayah Polsek Deli Tua, bagaimana Faktor-Faktor penyebab penghentian penyidikan Terhadap Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Khususnya di Polsek Deli Tua dan bagaimana Pengaruh Restorative Justice Sistem Dalam Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan Sebagai Pemilihan Ganti Rugi Yang Diderita Korban Di Wilayah Polsek Delitua. Peranan Kepolisian terhadap Kecelakaan lalu lintas dengan melakukan upaya perdamaian terhadap korban dan pelaku yang diselesaikan dengan pendekatan keadilan restorative justice di Wilayah Polsek Delitua. Faktor-Faktor penyebab penghentian penyidikan terhadap Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas khususnya di Polsek Delitua dikarenakan adanya perdamaian antara kedua belah pihak. Pengaruh Restorative Justice Sistem Dalam Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan Sebagai pemilihan Ganti Rugi Yang diderita Korban di Wilayah Polsek Deli Tua. Agar Pihak Kepolisian menjaga rambu-rambu lalu lintas agar mengurangi kecelakaan lalu lintas di wilayah Polsek Delitua. Masyarakat lebih berhati-hati dalam berkendara dan memakai alat-alat demi keselamatan pengendara. Agar sebaiknya polisi memberikan hukuman yang berat terhadap pelaku kecelakaan lalu lintas yang mengakibatkan matinya korban.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe police law is to regulate and force to contain both procedural and substantive provision. Regulate : provide guidance on how to perform the police duties, forcing : giving coercion to the police to carry out their duties and authorities in accordance with the provisions of legislation and general obligations and for those who do not obey them are subject to sanctions. The problem in this research is how the role of police against traffic accidents that solved with justice approach of restorative justice in Deli Tua Polsek area. How are the factor causing the suspension of the investigation of traffic accidents especially in Deli Tua police and how the effect of restorative justice system in traffic and road transport as the selection of compensation suffered by victims in the of Deli Tua Police area. The role of the police against traffic accidents by conducting peace efforts against victims and perpetrators that are resolved with the approach of restorative justice in the Deli Tua Police area. Factor causing the suspension of investigation into traffic accidents, especially in Deli Tua Police due to the peace between both parties. Influence of restorative justice system in traffic and road transport as election of compensation which is suffered by victim in Deli Tua police area. So that the police keep guarding traffic signs to reduce traffic accidents in the Deli Tua police area. People are more careful in driving and using tools for the safety of the rider. So that the police should give severe punishment to the perpetrators of traffic accidents that resulted in the death of the victim.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectkecelakaan lalu lintasen_US
dc.subjecttraffic accidentsen_US
dc.titlePeranan Kepolisian dalam Penerapan Restorative Justice Terhadap Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas di Wilayah Polsek Deli Tuaen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Criminal Law

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