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dc.contributor.authorPandala, Cornelis-
dc.descriptionCornelis Pandala. 14.821.0126. Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Kenikir Dan Daun Sirih Sebagai Biofungisida Terhadap Penyebab Penyakit Antraknosa (Colletotrichum capsici) Pada Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum) Secara In Vitro”. Skipsi. Di bawah bimbingan Ibu Ir. Maimunah, M.Si selaku Ketua dan Ibu Ir. Azwana, MP selaku Anggota Pembimbing. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Medan Area pada bulan Mei - Juli 2018. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Non Faktorial dengan perlakuan F0 = Kontrol negatif (Media PDA 100%), F1 = Kontrol positif (fungisida sintetik 0.2%), F2 = 20 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 10 % ekstrak daun sirih, F3 = 30 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 10 % ekstrak daun sirih, F4 = 40 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 10 % ekstrak daun sirih, F5 = 20 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 20 % ekstrak daun sirih, F6 = 30 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 20 % ekstrak daun sirih, F7 = 40 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 20 % ekstrak daun sirih, F8 = 20 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 30 % ekstrak daun sirih, F9 = 30 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 30 % ekstrak daun sirih, F10 = 40 % ekstrak daun kenikir + 30 % ekstrak daun sirih. Hasil penelitian penghambatan pertumbuhan diameter koloni dan persentase pertumbuhan jamur Colletotrichum capsici semua perlakuan pemberian ekstrak daun kenikir dan daun sirih yang diuji memperlihatkan hasil yang sama besarnya.en_US
dc.description.abstractEnglish : The research conducted in Plant Protection Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture University of Medan Area in May – July 2018. This research applied Completely randomized non-factorial design along with negative control (100% PDA media), F1 = positive control (Synthetic fungicide 0, 2%), F2 = 20% cosmos leaves extract + 10% betel leaves extract, F3 = 30% cosmos leaves extract + 10% betel leaves extract, F4 = 40% cosmos leaves extract + 10% betel leaves extract, F5 = 20% cosmos leaves extract + 20% betel leaves extract, F6 = 30% cosmos leaves extract + 20% betel leaves extract, F7 = 40% cosmos leaves extract + 20% betel leaves extract, F8 = 20% cosmos leaves extract + 30% betel leaves extract, F9 = 30% cosmos leaves extract + 30% betel leaves extract, F10 = 40% cosmos leaves extract + 30% betel leaves extract. The result of colony diameter growth inhibition and percentage of Colletotrichum Capsici fungi growth after the treatment showed an equal results.en_US
dc.description.abstractMandarin Abstract: 科内利斯潘达拉. 148210126. Leaft提取Kenikir和Betel leaft作为生物杀菌剂的有效性导致炭疽病(Colletotricum capsici)对植物辣椒红(Capsicum annuum)的体外研究. 随笔. 在太太的指导下铱. Maimunah, M.si担任主席和夫人, 铱. Azwana, MP成员担任主管. 该研究于2018年5月至7月在棉兰大学植物保护农业学院实验室完成. 研究采用随机事实(RAL)无因子设计, 治疗F0 =阴性对照(PDA培养基100%)F1 =阳性对照(合成杀菌剂0.2%), F2 = 20%叶子提取kenikir + 10%leaft提取槟榔,F3 = 30%leaft提取kenikir + 10%leaft提取槟榔, F4 = 40%leaft提取kenikir + 10%leaft提取槟榔, F5 = 20%叶子提取kenikir + 20%leaft提取槟榔, F6 = 30%leaft提取kenikir + 20%leaft提取槟榔, F7 = 40%leaft提取kenikir + 20%leaft提取槟榔, F8 = 20%leaft提取kenikir + 30%leaft提取槟榔,F9 = 30%leaft提取kenikir + 30%leaft提取槟榔,F10 = 40%leaft提取kenikir + 30%leaft提取槟榔. 从kenikir leaft和betel leaft测试和提取的所有处理中抑制菌落直径生长和炭疽病菌真菌生长百分比的研究结果显示了相同的结果.-
dc.description.abstractJapan Abstract : Cornelis Pandala. 14.821.0126. 試験管内(In Vitro)で赤唐辛子(Capsicum Annuum L.)における炭そ病(Colletotrichum Capsici)原因に対するバイオ殺菌剤としてのケニキル葉抽出物とキンマ葉の有効性。監督: Ir. Maimunah, M.Si selaku Ketua および Ibu Ir. Azwana, MP 本研究は、2018年5月から7月にメダンエリア大学の作物保護研究所で行われた。F0 =ネガティブコントロール(PDAメディア100%)、F1 =ポジティブコントロール(合成殺菌剤0.2%)、F2 = 20%酢酸葉エキス+ 10%キンマ葉エキス、F3 =ハーブエキス30%+ハーブエキス10%、F4 =ハーブエキス40%+ハーブエキス10%、F5 =ハーブエキス20%+ハーブエキス20%、F6 =ハーブエキス30%+ 20%葉エキス、F7 = 40%葉エキス+ 20%葉エキス、F8 = 20%葉エキス+ 30%葉エキス、F9 = 30%葉エキス+ 30%葉エキス、F10 = 40%葉のエキスは、キンマの葉のエキス+ 30%である。結果は、コロニーの直径の成長と真菌Colletotrichum capsiciの成長の割合を抑制し、テストしたケニキル葉抽出物とキンマの葉を与えるすべての処理は同じ結果を示した。-
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectekstrak daun kenikiren_US
dc.subjectekstrak daun sirihen_US
dc.subjectcolletotrichum capsicien_US
dc.titleEfektivitas Ekstrak Daun Kenikir dan Daun Sirih sebagai Biofungisida Terhadap Penyebab Penyakit Antraknosa (Colletotrichum capsici) pada Tanaman Cabai Merah (Capsicum annuum L) secara In vitroen_US
dc.title.alternativeEffectivity of Cosmos and Betel Leaves Extract as Biofungicide to Cause of Anthracnose Diseases (Colletotrichum capsici) in Red Chili Plant (Capsicum annum L.) through In Vitro. Essay-
dc.title.alternative試験管内(In Vitro)で赤唐辛子(Capsicum Annuum L.)における炭そ病(Colletotrichum Capsici)原因に対するバイオ殺菌剤としてのケニキル葉抽出物とキンマ葉の有効性-
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
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