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Title: Pertimbangan Hakim Terhadap Penerapan Sanksi Pidana Bagi Pelaku Tindak Pidana Narkotika Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 (Studi Putusan Nomor :185/Pid.Sus/2015/Pn.Bnj)
Authors: Sitepu, Beri Eprisma
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Mubarak, Ridho
Munthe, Riswan
Keywords: judge crime;criminals;narcotics;sanksi pidana;pelaku;narkotika
Issue Date: 29-Dec-2018
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;128400252
Abstract: We see our generations who have fallen into consuming Narcotics which will gradually harm themselves, their families, society and even the country. In the absence of preventive efforts, sooner or later the younger generation of future owners will begin to crumble. Judge consideration is one of the most important aspects in determining the realization of the value of a judge's judgment which contains justice (ex aequo et bono) and contains legal certainty, in addition it also contains benefits for the parties concerned so that the judge's consideration must be addressed carefully, , and careful. The application of criminal penal provisions to Narcotics criminals must be based on legal facts either through evidences such as witness statements and statements of defendants as well as legal facts through evidences. In addition, it is also based on juridical consideration of the indictment and prosecutor's charges. In this case, the Prosecutor uses an alternative indictment that the Public Prosecutor charges Article 112 paragraph (1) and Article 127 paragraph (1). However, at the end, through the fact that the judge based on the facts in the trial of the Panel of Judges passed
Description: Melihat generasi-generasi kita yang telah terjerumus mengkonsumsi Narkotika yang lambat laun akan merugikan dirinya sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat bahkan negara. Apabila tidak ada upaya-upaya preventif maka cepat atau lambat generasi-generasi muda pemilik masa depan akan mulai hancur. Pertimbangan hakim merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting dalam menentukan terwujudnya nilai dari suatu putusan hakim yang mengandung keadilan (ex aequo et bono) dan mengandung kepastian hukum, di samping itu juga mengandung manfaat bagi para pihak yang bersangkutan sehingga pertimbangan hakim ini harus disikapi dengan teliti, baik, dan cermat. Penerapan ketentuan ukum pidana terhadap pelaku tindak pidana Narkotika harus didasarkan pada fakta-fakta hukum baik melalui alat-alat bukti seperti keterangan-keterangan saksi dan keterangan terdakwa maupun fakta-fakta hukum melalui barang-barang bukti. Selain itu, juga didasarkan pada pertimbangan yuridis yaitu dakwaan dan tuntutan jaksa. Dalam kasus ini, Jaksa menggunakan dakwaan alternative yaitu Jaksa Penuntut Umum mendakwakan Pasal 112 ayat (1) dan Pasal 127 ayat (1). Namun pada akhirnya, melalui keyakinan hakim berdasarkan fakta dipersidangan Majelis Hakim menjatuhkan hukum 1 tahun dengan melanggar Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika Pasal 127 ayat (1).
Appears in Collections:SP - Criminal Law

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