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Title: Pengaruh Pemberian Berbagai Sumber Biochar dan Berbagai Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produki Tanaman Jagung Hitam (Zea mays L.)
Authors: Berutu, Rikwan Kardo
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hutapea, Sumihar
Aziz, Rizal
Keywords: biochar pupuk kandang;jagung hitam;biochar;manure;black corn;jagung hitam
Issue Date: 24-Sep-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;148210149
Abstract: The study used factorial randomized block design with two factors, namely the provision of various biochar sources ( notation B ) B0 =without giving biochar, B1 = rice husk (one kilogram/plot0 biochar B2 = corncob biochar (one kilogram/plot), B3 = candlenut biochar (one kilogram/plot) and giving various (notation manure K) K0 = without giving manure, K1 = cow manure (one kilogram/plot), K2 =chicken manure (one kilogram/plot), K3 = goat manure (one kilogram/plot), repeated twice. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, wet production weight/sample using klobot, wet production weight/plot using klobot,wet production weight/sample without klobot, wet production weight/plot without klobot, dru production weigh of pipil/sample, dry weight of production of onehundred grain pipil. The results of the study showed that the effect of giving various biochar of rice husk corn cobs of candlenut shells did not signficantly affect all observation parameters and various manure, namely cows, chickens and goats also did not significantly affect all observed parameters.
Description: Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan dua faktor, yaitu pemberian berbagai sumber biochar ( notasi B) B0 =tanpa Pemberian Biochar; B1 = Biochar sekam padi (1 kg/plot) ; B2 = Biochar tongkol jagung (1 kg/plot); B3 = Biochar cangkang kemiri (1 kg/plot) dan pemberian berbagai pupuk kandang ( notasi K) (K0 = tanpa pemberian pupuk kandang; K1 = Pupuk kandang sapi ( 1kg/plot); K2 = pupuk kandang ayam (1 kg/plot) ; K3 = pupuk kandang kambing (1 kg/plot), diulang 2 kali. Parameter yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, berat produksi basah/sampel menggunakan klobot, berat produksi basah/plot menggunakan klobot, berat produksi basah/ sampel tanpa klobot, berat produksi basah/plot tanpa klobot, berat produksi kring pipil /sampel, berat produksi kering pipil/plot, berat produsi kering pipil 100 butir. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pengaruh pemberian berbagai biochar yaitu sekam padi, tongkol jagung, cangkang kemiri tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengamatan dan berbagai pupuk kandang yaitu sapi, ayam dan kambing juga tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter pengamatan.
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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