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Title: Penyuluhan Kehutanan dan Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan (Studi Kasus: Desa Tiga Dolok Kecamatan Dolok Panribuan Kabupaten Simalungun)
Other Titles: Forestry Extension and Socio-Economic Factors Affecting Farmers' Income Around Forest Areas (Case Study: Tiga Dolok Village, Dolok Panribuan District, Simalungun Regency)
Authors: Rauyani
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Umar, Sayed
Harahap, Gustami
Keywords: Penyuluhan Kehutanan;Pendapatan Petani;Faktor Sosial;Forestry Extension;Farmers' income;Social Factors
Issue Date: 18-May-2002
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;978200009
Abstract: Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penyuluhan kehutanan dapat mempengaruhi pendapatan masyarakat baik di dalam dan di sekitar kawasan hutan dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam hutan dan hasil pertanian. Serta mengetahui sejauh mana faktor sosial ekonomi masyarakat dalam upaya mendukung peningkatan pendapatan petani tanpa pengerusakan hutan dan ekosistem yang ada di dalamnya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas penelitian dilakukan dengan pengambilan data primer yaitu pengambilan sampel secara acak (simple random sampling) langsung di lapangan dengan metode sensus (survei purposive) sebanyak 58 orang petani sampel. Dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Kantor Kepala Desa, lnstansi terkait, buku bacaan dan majalah. The study was conducted to determine the extent to which forestry extension can affect community income both in and around forest areas in utilizing natural forest resources and agricultural products. As well as knowing the extent of the socio-economic factors of the community in an effort to support the increase in farmer income without destroying the forest and the ecosystem in it. Based on the foregoing, the study was carried out by taking primary data, namely taking random samples (simple random sampling) directly in the field using the census method (purposive survey) as many as 58 sample farmers. And secondary data obtained from the Office of the Village Head, related agencies, reading books and magazines.
Description: 19 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agribusiness

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