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Title: Studi Potensi Pengembangan Buah-Buahan Sebagai Komoditi Unggulan Agribisnis di Kota Binjai
Other Titles: Study on Potential Development of Fruits as Leading Agribusiness Commodities in Binjai City
Authors: Sanjaya, Budi
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Lubis, Zulkarnain
Ginting, Rahmanta
Keywords: buah-buahan unggulan;nilai produksi;nilai kelayakan;superior fruits;production value;feasibility value
Issue Date: 12-Sep-2017
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;151802017
Abstract: Produksi komoditas unggulan, penting dan prospektif hortikultura di kota Binjai selama kurun waktu 2010-2015 menunjukkan pola yang fluktuatif. Hal ini terjadi tidak hanya pada komoditas sayuran, tetapi juga pada kelompok komoditas buah. Selama periode tahun 2010-2015 laju pertumbuhan produksi adalah pada komoditias rambutan yaitu sebesar 79,25% tahun disusul jambu air, dan potensi komoditas buah buahan unggulan agribisnis di kota binjai, 2 untuk menganalisis tingkat kelayakan usaha pengembangan komoditi buah unggulan agribisnis di kota binjai. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini adalah diduga terdapat komoditi buah unggulan seperti rambutan, jambu air dan bengkuang lebih unggul dibandingkan komoditi buah yang lain di kota binjai. Data menggunakan data primer dan skunder. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah location quotient (nilai produksi) dan analisis kelayakan usaha tani (revenue cost ratio). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komoditi buah-buahan yang banyak menjadi komoditi pertanian basis di sebagian besar besar kecamatan di kota binjai adalah rambutan mangga pepaya pisang jambu biji dan sukun. Komoditi buah buahan yang menjadi komoditi pertanian basis di sebagian besar kecamatan menjadi The production of superior, important and prospective horticulture commodities in the city of Binjai during the 2010-2015 period showed a fluctuating pattern. This happened not only in vegetable commodities, but also in the fruit commodity group. During the period 2010-2015, the production growth rate was in rambutan commodities, which was 79.25% a year, followed by water guava, and the potential for agribusiness superior fruit commodities in Binjai City,2 to analyze the feasibility level of developing agribusiness superior fruit commodities in Binjai City. The hypothesis of this research is that it is suspected that there are superior fruit commodities such as rambutan, guava and yam that are superior to other fruit commodities in the city of Binjai. The data uses primary and secondary data. The analytical tools used are location quotient (production value) and farm business feasibility analysis (revenue cost ratio). The results showed that the fruit commodities that became the basis of most of the sub-districts in the city of Binjai were rambutan, mango, papaya, banana, guava and breadfruit. Fruit commodities which are the basic agricultural commodities in most sub-districts are Superior commodity production, important and prospective horticulture in Binjai City during the period 2010-2015 shows a fluctuating pattern. This happens not only on vegetable commodities, but also on fruit commodity groups. During the period of 2010-2015 the rate of production growth is in the rambutan commodity that is equal to 79,25% / year, followed by water guava 72.31%, and yam of 12.75%. The purpose of this study are: 1). To analyze the potential of agribusiness superior fruits commodities in Binjai City. 2). To analyze the level of business feasibility development of superior fruits commodities agribusiness in Binjai City. Hypothesis of this research is allegedly there are superior fruits commodities such as rambutan. Guava water and yam superior to other fruits commodities in Binjai City. Data using primary and secondary data. The analytical tool used is Location Quotient (production value) and feasibility analysis of farming (Revenue Cost ratio). The results showed that fruits commodity which many become agriculture commodity base in most districts in Binjai City is rambutan, mango, papaya, banana, guava, and breadfruit. Soursop commodity becomes a commodity of base fruits in 4 districts. Avocado, duku / langsat, cashew, mango, pineapple, papaya, banana, rambutan and sawo commodities are the basic fruits commodities in 3 districts. Commodities of star fruit, durian, guava, orange siam, jackfruit, salak, breadfruit and yam become commodity fruits base in 2 districts. Value Return Cost Ratio (RCR) obtained from rambutan farming is 29.10; guava water (guava honey) that is 2.05 and yam that is 3.63 area / year. It can be concluded that rambutan, guava water and yam farming is efficient and feasible to cultivate.
Description: 47 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Agribusiness

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