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Title: Analisis Yuridis Pembatalan Putusan Khusus Tindak Pidana Narkotika (Studi Putusan Np.90/Pid Sus/2016/PN-Kis Jo Putusan No. 186/Pid.Sus/2016/PT-MDN Jo Putusan Np 1573 K/Pid Sus/2016)
Other Titles: Juridical Analysis of Cancellation of Special Decision on Narcotics Crime (Study of Decision Np.90/Pid Sus/2016/PN-Kis Jo Decision No. 186/Pid.Sus/2016/PT-MDN Jo Decision Np 1573 K/Pid Sus/2016)
Authors: Irianto, Lili
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Taufik
Zulyadi, Rizkan
Keywords: pembatalan putusan;hakim;pembaharuan hukum;decision cancellation;judge;law update
Issue Date: 14-Sep-2018
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;161803050
Abstract: Pembatalan Putusan merupakan putusan sejak awal diiatuhkan dianggap tidak pernah ada, putusan tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan dan akibat hukum, juga tidak memiliki daya eksekusi, putusan yang benar-benar batal dari yang intansi lebih tinggi, dalam pembatalan putusan tidak terlepas dari peran hakim, sebab hakim bukan saja rnerupakan corong undang-undang, akan tetapi hakim sebagai pembuat hukum (judge medelaw) yaitu putusan, sehinga hakim bebas menjatuhkaa putusan, oleh karena itu sangat penting peran hakim sebagai Agent of Change untuk meningkatkan Putusan dalam mewujutkan Law And Legal Pefo.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui Pertimbangan dan Peran Hakim dalam Pembatalan Putusan Khusus Tindak Pidana Narkotika. Penelitian hukum ini mengunakan penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research ) dan penelitian lapangan (field research) dalam hal penelitian di Pengadilan Negeri Kisaran dengan mewawancarai Terdakwa Nani Prihartini di ruang tahanan Pengadilan Negeri Kisaran. Adapun perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu : Bagaimana Pengaturan Hukum Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Narkotikq Bagaimura Pertimbangm Hukum Majelis Hakim Agung Terhadap Pembatalam Putusan Khusus Tindak Pidana Narkotika. Cancellation of a decision is a decision from the beginning that is considered to have never been exists, the decision has no legal force and effect, nor does it have any power execution, a decision that is completely void from a higher agency, in annulment The decision cannot be separated from the role of the judge, because the judge is not only a mouthpiece of the law, However, the judge as a law maker (judge medelaw) is a decision, so that judges are free to make decisions, therefore the role of judges as agents is very important of Change to improve Decisions in realizing Law and Legal Pefo.Research This study aims to determine the consideration and role of judges in annulment of decisions Special Narcotics Crime. This legal research uses study research literature (library research) and field research (field research) in terms of research at the Kisaran District Court by interviewing the Defendant Nani Prihartini in the custody of the Kisaran District Court. The formulation of the problem in this study are: How is the setting? Law Against Narcotics Criminal Acts How Do You Consider the Court's Law? Supreme Court Justices Against Cancellation of Special Decisions on Narcotics Crimes.
Description: 117 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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