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Title: Analisis Usaha Tani dan Pemasaran Sayuran Hidroponik (Studi Kasus: Usaha Tani Sayuran Hidroponik Bayam di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)
Other Titles: Analysis of Hydroponic Vegetable Farming and Marketing (Case Study: Hydroponic Spinach Vegetable Farming in Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency)
Authors: Permatasari, Ella
Keywords: pendapatan;kelayakan usaha tani;efisiensi pemasaran;income;farm viability;marketing efficiency
Issue Date: 26-Aug-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178220022
Abstract: Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang kian meningkat mengakibatkan menyusutnya lahan pertanian, maka dunia pertanian mengalami revolusi pertanian yang modern, salah satunya budidaya hidroponik yang memiliki keunggulan cara berbudidaya dapat dilakukan dilahan sempit. Tren berbudidaya sayuran hidroponik saat ini mulai dilirik oleh petani. Permintaan sayuran hidroponik pun semakin meningkat dimasa pandemi covid-19. Jenis sayuran yang banyak dibudidayakan adalah bayam yang dinilai mudah perawatannya dan tinggi nilai ekonomisnya. Maka tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu, 1) Untuk mengetahui berapa besar pendapatan Usaha Tani sayuran hidroponik bayam di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan; 2) Untuk mengetahui kelayakan Usaha Tani sayuran hidroponik bayam di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan; 3) Untuk mengetahui Efesiensi Pemasaran Usaha Tani sayuran hidroponik bayam di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan. Penellitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang pada bulan Desember 2021. Dengan jumlah sampel 23 responden, yang terdiri dari 8 responden pemilik usaha hidroponik, 3 pedagang pengumpul, 5 pedagang besar, 7 konsumen. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer hasil dari wawancara dengan alat bantu kuesioner, untuk mencari tujuan 1 dianalisis dengan rumus pendapatan , tujuan 2 dengan analisis kelayakan usaha R/C rasio, tujuan 3 dianalisis dengan share margin. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil: 1) pendapatan rata-rata petani sayuran bayam hidroponik sebesar Rp Rp 13.393.328 per periode tanam dengan rataan luas lahan 294,50 m2; 2) Usaha Tani layak dijalankan dengan nilai R/C Rasio > 1, yaitu 3,08, Nilai BEP volume = 347.98 kg, Nilai BEP harga = Rp 8.237, Nilai Payback Periode (PP) = 0,33; 3) ketiga saluran pemasaran dinilai efisien , dimana nilai efisiensi < 50%. Saluran I bernilai 1,47%, Saluran II 1,51%, Saluran III 1,1%. The increasing population growth has resulted in the shrinking of agricultural land, so the world of agriculture is experiencing a modern agricultural revolution, one of which is hydroponic cultivation which has the advantage of being able to cultivate it on narrow land. The trend of cultivating hydroponic vegetables is currently starting to be noticed by farmers. The demand for hydroponic vegetables is also increasing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The type of vegetables that is widely cultivated is spinach which is considered easy to care for and high in economic value. So the purpose of this research is, 1) To find out how much income hydroponic spinach farming is in Percut Sei Tuan District; 2) To determine the feasibilty of hydroponic spinach farming in Percut Sei Tuan District; 3) To find out the marketing efficiency of hydroponic spinach farming in Percut Sei Tuan District. This research was conducted in Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency in December 2021. With a sample of 23 respondents, consisting of 8 respondents who own hydroponic businesses, 3 collectors, 5 wholesalers,7 consumers. The data used are primary data resulting from interviews with questionnaires, to find the 1st objective by the R/C ratio business feasibility analysis, the 3rd objective was analyzed by the share margin. Based on the analysis carried out, the results obtained: 1) the average income of hydroponic spinach vegetable farmers is Rp. 13.393.328 per planting period with an average land area of 294.50m2; 2) Farming is feasible with R/C Ratio >1, which is 3.08, Volume BEP Value = 347.98 kg, BEP price value = Rp 8.237, Payback Period (PP) value = 0,33; 3) the three marketing channels are considered efficient, where the efficiency value is < 50%. Channel I is worth 1,47%, Channel II is 1,51%, Channel III is 1,1%.
Description: 109 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agribusiness

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