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Title: Respon Pertumbuhandan Produksi Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus L.) pada Agroekosistem Berefugia dengan Aplikasi Limbah Jagung dan Mikoriza
Other Titles: Growth and Production Responses of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) in Agro-ecosystems with the Application of Corn Waste and Mycorrhiza
Authors: Padang, Nelson
Keywords: mentimun;mikoriza;limbah jagung;berefugia;cucumber;mycorrhiza;corn waste;refugia
Issue Date: 15-Aug-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168210116
Abstract: Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.) salah satu tanaman yang termasuk dalam famili Cucurbitaceae (tanaman labu-labuan). Produksi mentimun masih rendah, yaitu rata-rata 10 ton ha, hal ini disebabkan karena budidaya mentimun masih dianggap usaha sampingan diantara tanaman budidaya lainnya.Berbagai usaha untuk meningkatkan hasil mentimun, diantaranya perbaikan teknik budidaya, seperti penggunaan dosis, pupuk yang tepat, variates yang unggul, dan pengaturan jarak tanam (Samadi, 2002).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menegtahui pengaruh aplikasi limbah jagung dan mikoriza terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi mentimun (Cucumis sativus L) pada agroekosistem berefugia. Penelitian ini dilaksakan dengan menggunakan percobaan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial, yaitu dengan pemberian limbah jagung dan mikoriza: 1. limbah jagung terdiri dari 4 taraf perlakuan, yaitu :J0 = Tanpa limbah jagung (Kontrol)J1 = dosis 10 ton/ha( 1000 g/1m2)J2 =dosis 20 ton/ha (2000 g/1 m2)J3 = dosis 30 ton/ ha (3000 g/1 m2)J4 = dosis 40 ton/ha (4000 g/1 m2)2. Aplikasi mikoriza terdiri dari 4 taraf perlakuan, yaitu :M0 = Tanpa inokulan mikoriza (kontrol)M1 = dosis 5 g/tanaman inokulan mikorizaM2 = dosis 7.5 g/tanaman inokulan mikorizaM3 = dosis 10 g/tanaman inokulan mikoriza.Aplikasikompos limbah jagung berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi buah per plot,namun tidak berbeda nyata terhadap parameter lainnya. Perlakuan limbah jagung dengan dosis 10 ton/ha memiliki rataan produksi tertinggi. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) one of the plants belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae (cucurbit plant), Cucumber has bright prospects for cultivation, because cucumbers can be marketed domestically and abroad.Cucumber production is still low, which is an average of 10 tons ha, this is because cucumber cultivation is still considered a side business among other cultivated plants. Various attempts to increase the yield of cucumbers, among them are improvements in cultivation techniques, such as the use of dosages, appropriate fertilizers, superior variates, and spacing (Samadi, 2002). This study aims to determine the effect of corn and mycorrhizal waste applications on the growth and production of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus L) on agroecosystems.This study was carried out using a Factorial Group Randomized Design (RAK) experiment, namely by applying corn waste and mycorrhiza: 1. corn waste consists of 4 levels of treatment, namely: J0 = No corn waste (Control) J1 = dose 10 tons / ha( 1000 g / 1m2) J2 = dose 20 tons / ha (2000 g / 1 m2) J3 = dose 30 tons / ha (3000 g / 1 m2) J4 = dose 40 tons / ha (4000 g / 1 m2) 2. Mycorrhizal application consists of 4 levels of treatment,, that is : M0 = No mycorrhizal inoculant (control) M1 = dose 5 g/mycorrhizal inoculant plant M2 = dose 7.5 g/mycorrhizal inoculant plant M3 = dose 10 g/mycorrhizal inoculant plant. The application of corn waste compost has a significant effect on fruit production per plot, but it does not differ markedly from other parameters. The treatment of corn waste at a dose of 10 tons / ha has the highest average production.
Description: 134 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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