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Title: Strategi Sosialisasi Pemerintah Desa Bintang Dalam Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Melakukan Vaksinasi Booster 1
Other Titles: Bintang Village Government Socialization Strategy to Increase Public Awareness of Carrying Out Booster Vaccinations 1
Authors: Rajagukguk, Yapser
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Barus, Rehia K. Isabela
Keywords: Communication Strategy;Covid-19 Vaccine Socialization;Government of Desa Bintang;Strategi Komunikasi;Sosialisasi Vaksin Covid-19;Pemerintah Desa Bintang
Issue Date: 13-Mar-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198530150
Abstract: Saat ini masih ada masyarakat yang tidak mau divaksinasi dengan adanya beberapa alasan, seperti takut akan efek samping dari Vaksin Covid-19 ditambah lagi banyaknya berita hoax yang beredar di masyarakat. sangat dibutuhkan sekali peran Pemerintah Desa Bintang dalam melakukan Sosialisasi Vaksinasi Covid-19 kepada semua kalangan masyarakat Desa Bintang agar keinginan terbebas dari pandemi Covid-19 ini dapat segera berakhir. dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Hasil penelitianya itu Pemerintah Desa Bintang menggunakan beberapa strategi komunikasi yaitu Sosialisasi menggunakan media sosial, Sosialisasi keliling Desa Bintang, Melalui Surat Edaran, Sosialisasi Secara Langsung, Sosialisasi Menggunakan Media Informasi. Strategi komunikasi yang sering digunakan yaitu sosialisasi secara langsung ketika ada acara Pernikahan dan acara keagamaan. Pemerintah Desa Bintang perlu melakukan sosialisasi Vaksin Covid-19 ,ini bertujuan supaya masyarakat mengerti dan sadar apa itu vaksin Covid-19 sehingga masyarakat tidak takut dan tidak menolak untuk di Vaksinasi Covid-19. Currently, there are still people who do not want to be vaccinated for several reasons, such as fear of side effects. from the Covid-19 Vaccine plus the many hoax news circulating in the community. The government's of desa bintang role is very much needed . in socializing the Covid-19 vaccination to all people in desa bintang ,so that the desire to be free from the Covid-19 pandemic can end soon. In this study using a qualitative descriptive research method. The results of his research are that the Government’s of desa bintang uses several communication strategies, namely Socialization Using Social Media, Socialization around the desa Bintang , Through Circular Letters, Direct Socialization, Socialization Using Information Media. The communication strategy that is often used is direct socialization when there are weddings and religious events. The government’s of desa bintang needs to socialize the Covid-19 Vaccine, This aims to make people understand and be aware of what the Covid-19 vaccine is so that people are not afraid and do not refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Description: 88 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Communication Science

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