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Title: Komunikasi Interpersonal Kader Posyandu dan Orang Tua (Studi Kasus Komunikasi Interpersonal Kader Posyandu dan Orang Tua di Desa Tumpatan Kecamatan Beringin Kabupaten Deli Serdang)
Other Titles: Interpersonal Communication of Posyandu Cadres and Parents (Case Study of Interpersonal Communication of Posyandu Cadres and Parents in Tumpatan Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency)
Authors: Effendy, Dhea Arwinda
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Vita, Nadra Ideyani
Yudha, Angga Tinova
Keywords: komunikasi interpersonal;kader posyandu;orang tua;stunting;interpersonal communication;posyandu cadres;parent
Issue Date: 26-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198530022
Abstract: Penyelenggaraan program Posyandu untuk memberikan informasi gizi dan tumbuh kembang anak serta menurunkan stunting di desa Tumpatan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperjelas bagaimana terjadinya komunikasi interpersonal antara kader Posyandu dengan orang tua anak, memperjelas alasan kader Posyandu melakukan komunikasi interpersonal, dan mengidentifikasi kendala-kendala yang dirasakan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, digunakan metode penelitian studi kasus deskriptif. Penelitian tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa simbol dan maknanya mempunyai bahasa tersendiri. Dan pemahaman diri yang digunakan kader Posyandu dalam berinteraksi dan menyikapi permasalahan yang ada pada orang tua anak merupakan pemahaman yang diperoleh dalam diri kader melalui kegiatan Posyandu sehari-hari dan berulang-ulang, kader Posyandu dapat memperoleh pemahaman baru dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Alasan terjadinya komunikasi interpersonal dengan orang tua adalah untuk menurunkan angka stunting di desa tumpatan dan perubahan perilaku orang tua dalam mengasuh anak. Dan ada pula kendala seperti kurangnya keterbukaan orang tua, emosi traumatis dari orang tua, dan suasana lingkungan Posyandu. Implementation of the Posyandu program to provide information on nutrition and growth and development of children and reduce stunting in Tumpatan village. The aim of this research is to clarify how interpersonal communication occurs between Posyandu cadres and children's parents, clarify the reasons why Posyandu cadres carry out interpersonal communication, and identify the obstacles that arise. felt. To overcome this problem, a descriptive case study research method was used. The research concluded that symbols and their meanings have their own language. And the self-understanding that Posyandu cadres use in interacting and responding to problems that exist among children's parents is the understanding that cadres gain through daily and repetitive Posyandu activities, Posyandu cadres can gain new understanding in social life. The reason for interpersonal communication with parents is to reduce the stunting rate in Tumpatan village and change parents' behavior in caring for children. And there are also obstacles such as lack of openness from parents, traumatic emotions from parents, and the atmosphere of the Posyandu environment.
Description: 90 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Communication Science

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