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Title: Kajian Kelimpahan Hama Helopeltis Theivora dan Tingkat Kerusakan pada Berbagai Teknik Budidaya di Perkebunan Kopi (Studi Kasus: Desa Motung dan Desa Sionggang Utara)
Other Titles: Study of the Abundance of Helopeltis Theivora Pests and the Level of Damage in Various Cultivation Techniques on Coffee Plantations (Case Study: Motung Village and North Sionggang Village)
Authors: Silalahi, Veronika
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kuswardani, Retna Astuti
Keywords: kopi;helopeltis theivora;pola tanam;kabupaten toba;coffe;helopeltis theivora;planting pattern;toba regency
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198210113
Abstract: Di Sumatera Utara kopi mempunyai arti penting dalam aspek kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat,selain hama Penggerek Buah Kopi, ternyata serangan hama penusuk-penghisap Helopeltis sp. juga dirasakan sangat penting oleh petani kopi,Helopeltis sp. menyebabkan pucuk daun kopi terdapat bintik-bintik coklat, melengkung dan akhirnya mengering dan mati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari gejala serangan,kelimpahan hama dan besar kerusakan akibat serangan Helopeltis sp. pada tanaman kopi di Kawasan Danau Toba. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Motung dan Desa Sionggang Utara Kabupaten Toba pada ketinggian 1.300 mdpl, dari Juni hingga Agustus 2023 .Tanaman sampel ditetapkan sebanyak 10% dari total tanaman di setiap lokasi pengamatan dan ditentukan dengan menggunakan garis diagonal. Parameter yang diamati adalah intensitas serangan,persentase serangan ,populasi hama. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu intensitas serangan Helopeltis theivora. di perkebunan kopi rakyat di Desa Motung dan Desa Sionggang Utara Kabupaten Toba cukup bervariasi, dari serangan sedang hingga berat berkisar antara 40,38% hingga 59.61% dan berdasarkan hasil uji t didapat bahwa pola tanam polikultur dan monokultur,penggunaan tanaman pelindung dan tanpa pelindung serta perlakuan pemangkasan dan tanpa pemangkasan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap serangan Helopeltis theivora.Tingkat populasi hama yg lebih tinggi berada pada sistem pertanaman polikultur dan menggunakan tanaman pelindung serta tidak dilakukannya pemangkasan pada tanaman kopi rata-rata populasi 0.17 sampai 0,25 ekor/tanaman, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan populasi Helopeltis theivora. di lapangan tergolong dalam kategori rendah. In North Sumatra, coffee has an important meaning in aspects of the socio-economic life of the community, apart from the coffee berry borer pest, it turns out attacks by the piercing-sucking pest Helopeltis sp. This is also felt to be very important by coffee farmers. This causes the tops of the coffee leaves to have brown spots, curl and eventually dry out and die. The aim of this research is to study the symptoms of attacks, the abundance of pests and the amount of damage caused by attacks by Helopeltis sp. on coffee plants in the Lake Toba area. This research was conducted in Motung Village and North Sionggang Village, Toba Regency at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level, from June to August 2023. The sample plants were determined to be 10% of the total plants at each observation location and were determined using a diagonal line. The parameters observed were attack intensity, percentage of attacks, pest population. The results obtained were the intensity of Helopeltis theivora attacks. on people's coffee plantations in Motung Village and North Sionggang Village, Toba Regency is quite varied, from moderate to heavy attacks ranging from 40.38% to 59.61% and based on the results of the t test it was found that polyculture and monoculture planting patterns, the use of protective and unprotected plants and pruning and non-pruning treatments have a significant effect on Helopeltis theivora attacks. Higher pest population levels are in polyculture planting systems and use protective plants and no pruning is carried out on coffee plants with an average population of 0.17 to 0.25 individuals/plant, p. This shows that the population density of Helopeltis theivora. in the field is classified as low.
Description: 81 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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