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Title: Optimalisasi Restoratif Justice pada Pecandu Penyalagunaan Narkoba di Wilayah Hukum Polres Deli Serdang (Studi Kasus di Satuan Reskrim Narkoba Polres Deli Serdang)
Other Titles: Optimization Of Restorative Justice For Drug Abuse Addicts In The Jurisdiction Of The Deli Serdang Police (Case Study In The Deli Serdang Police Drug Research Unit
Authors: Sugiyarso, Agus
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Zulyadi, Rizkan
Keywords: pecandu;penerapan restoratif justice;narkotika;addicts;implementation of restorative justice;narcotics
Issue Date: 23-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;221803024
Abstract: Semakin tingginya harapan warga Deli Serdang akan optimalisasi penanggulangan kejahatan berbasis humanis pada penerapan restoratif justice bidang narkotika di wilayah hukum Polresta Deli Serdang. Disisi lain kecenderungan kejahatan narkotika di wilayah tersebut justru semakin meningkat. Atas dasar tersebut maka penulis melihat akan perlunya transformasi yang sebelumnya hanya berbasis penanggulangan kejahatan narkotika berbasis represif kini menjadi penanggulangan narkotika berbasis humanis. Upaya penanggulangan juga berfokus kepada upaya preemtif pada tingkat penyelidikan sat narkoba polresta Deli Serdang dengan sasaran rehabilitasi medis maupun non medis pada korban pecandu penyalahgunaan narkoba di wilayah hukum Polresta Deli Serdang. Bertolak dari hal tersebut diatas, maka subtansi permasalahannya di sederhanakan menjadi tiga yaitu Sejauh apa Pengaturan, Implementasi serta Faktor Penghambat di Satuan Reserse Narkona Polres Deli Serdang dalam mengoptimalisasikan restoratif justice pada pecandu penyalagunaan narkoba di wilayah hukum polres Deli Serdang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan yuridis empiris. Sumber informasi berasal dari studi kepustakaan dan wawancara interaktif dari beberapa personil satresnarkona Polres Deli Serdang. Dengan dukungan beberapa data yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, bahan hukum tersier, melihat pada Peraturan Perundang-undangan diantaranya Undang - Undang No. 02 Tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri), Undang - Undang No 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika, Perkap No 8 Tahun 2021 Penanganan Tindak Pidana Berdasarkan Keadilan Restoratif dan peraturan – peratiran terkait. Kedepan dari hasil penelitian di akan peroleh, akan pengoptimalan satuan reserse narkoba Polres Deli Serdang Polres dan jajaran dalam menggunakan instrumen hukum pidana berdasarkan keadilan restoratif yang tentunya berdasarkan peraturan perundang undangan terkait, guna melakukan tugas pokok fungsi polri yang humanis, dimanis dan berkeadilan dengan mengedepankan pemulihan para pihak atas dasar urgensitas tinggi. Dimana hal tersebut sesuai dengan program Presisi dari Kapolri guna meningkatkan citra positif polri di wilayah hukum Satuan Reserse Kriminal Narkoba Polresta Deli Serdang. The increasing hope of Deli Serdang residents will be to optimize humanist- based crime prevention in the implementation of restorative justice in the field of narcotics in the jurisdiction of the Deli Serdang Police. On the other hand, the trend of narcotics crimes in the area is actually increasing. On this basis, the author sees the need for transformation, which previously was only based on repressive-based narcotics crime control, now into humanist-based narcotics control. Mitigation efforts also focus on preemptive efforts at the level of investigation by the Deli Serdang Police narcotics unit with the target of medical and non-medical rehabilitation for victims of drug abuse in the jurisdiction of the Deli Serdang Police. Based on the above, the substance of the problem is simplified into three, namely the extent of the arrangements, implementation and inhibiting factors in the Deli Serdang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit in optimizing restorative justice for drug abuse addicts in the jurisdiction of the Deli Serdang Police. This research was carried out using analytical descriptive methods with a normative juridical and empirical juridical approach. The source of information comes from literature studies and interactive interviews from several personnel from the Deli Serdang Police Narcotics Unit. With the support of several data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials, looking at statutory regulations including Law no. 02 of 2002 concerning the Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polri), Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, Perkap No. 8 of 2021 Handling Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice and related regulations. In the future, the results of the research will be the optimization of the Deli Serdang Police narcotics investigation unit and its ranks in using criminal law instruments based on restorative justice, which of course is based on relevant laws and regulations, in order to carry out the main tasks of the police function in a humane, sweet and just manner by prioritizing recovery. parties on the basis of high urgency. This is in accordance with the National Police Chief's Precision program to improve the positive image of the National Police in the jurisdiction of the Deli Serdang Police Criminal Drug Investigation Unit.
Description: 136 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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