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Title: Peran Camat dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Lurah di Kecamatan Binjai Barat Kota Binjai
Other Titles: The Role Of The Defendant In Improving The Performance Of Lurah In West Binjai District, Binjai City
Authors: Nugroho, M. Gusty
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Sihombing, Marlon
Keywords: peran;camat;kinerja;lurah;role;sub-district head;performance;village head
Issue Date: 26-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;211801022
Abstract: Pada dasarnya peran Camat terhadap kinerja lurah yang melakukan proses pelayanan publik terhadap kegiatan administrasi yang modern. Oleh karena itu peran camat tersebut juga tidak hanya melalui peran yang berpengaruh pada kinerja pegawai, akan tetapi juga berpegaruh terhadap alat-alat pendukung dari proses kinerja pegawai untuk memberikan pelayanan maksimal terhadap masyarakat. Melalui suatu kebijakan peran yang baik maka diharapkan kinerja pegawai yang saat ini dianggap lemah, terutama di bidang kontrol pengawasan, dapat ditingkatkan kapasitasnya dalam rangka membangun infrastruktur birokrasi yang lebih kompetitif dan dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik terhadap masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran camat dalam meningkatkan kinerja lurah di wilayah kecamatan Binjai Barat serta mengetahui faktor penghambat camat dalam meningkatkan kinerja lurah di wilayah Kecamatan Binjai Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peran Camat dalam meningkatkan kinerja aparatur pemerintah Kelurahan di wilayah Binjai Barat dikategorikan baik dengan melaksanakan secara umum meliputi peran aktif, partisipasif dan pasif. Adapun hambatan dalam meningkatkan kinerja lurah yaitu kualitas sumber daya masih kurang karena kebanyakan perangkat kelurahan berpendidikan terakhir sebatas SMA dan SLTP sehingga kurangnya kualitas sumber daya yang tersedia di kelurahan, sarana dan prasarana penunjang oprasional administrasi pemerintah masih sangat kurang karena keterbatasan anggaran , selain menggangu efisiensi dan efektivitas pelaksanaan pekerjaan, juga berpotensi menurunkan motivasi aparat pelaksana, sehingga pada akhirnya menghambat pencapaian tujuan, tugas dan pekerjaan. Basically, the role of the Camat on the performance of the lurah who carry out the public service process for modern administrative activities. Therefore, the role of the camat is also not only through the role that affects employee performance, but also affects the supporting tools of the employee performance process to provide maximum service to the community. Through a good role policy, it is hoped that the performance of employees who are currently considered weak, especially in the field of supervisory control, can be increased in order to build a more competitive bureaucratic infrastructure and provide good service to the community. This study aims to determine the role of the sub-district head in improving the performance of the sub-district head in the West Binjai subdistrict area and to find out the inhibiting factors of the sub-district head in improving the performance of the sub-district head in the West Binjai sub-district area. The results showed that the role of the Camat in improving the performance of the Kelurahan government apparatus in the West Binjai area was categorized as good by carrying out in general including active, participatory and passive roles. The obstacles in improving the performance of the urban village head, namely the quality of resources is still lacking because most urban village officials have the last education limited to high school and junior high school so that the lack of quality resources available in the urban village, facilities and infrastructure supporting government administration operations are still very lacking due to budget constraints, in addition to disrupting the efficiency and effectiveness of work implementation, it also has the potential to reduce the motivation of implementing officials, which ultimately hinders the achievement of goals, tasks and work.
Description: 87 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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