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Title: Studi Identifikasi Macam-Macam Gaya Belajar pada Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Berandan Barat Kecamatan Berandan Barat
Authors: Permana, Cristo
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hasanuddin
Aziz, Azhar
Keywords: learning styles;gaya belajar
Issue Date: 13-Feb-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;148600362
Abstract: This study was conducted to know the contribution of Learning Styles on students in SMA Negeri 1 Berandan Barat District Langkat. The learning styles that have been examined were independent learning style, avoident learning style, collaborative learning style, dependent learning style, competitive learning style, and participant learning style. The populatiion of the research was 140 students taken by using random sampling in SMA Negeri 1 Berandan Barat District Langkat. The measuring instrument used in the research was the scale of students’ learning styles consisted of 60 items (ɑ = 0,805). Based on the analysis of the students’ learning styles was obtained the contribution of collaborative learning style was 0,1910, the dependent learning style was 0,1807, competitive learning style was 0,1773, and avoident learning style was 0,821. This result showed that the dominant learning style used was collaborative learning style
Description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kontribusi macam-macam gaya belajar pada siswa SMA Negeri 1 Berandan Barat Kabupaten Langkat adapun gaya belajar pada siswa yang di teliti yaitu gaya belajar independent, gaya belajar avoident, gaya belajar collaborative, gaya belajar dependent, gaya belajar competitive dan gaya belajar partisipant. Populasi pada peneltian ini berjumlah 140 orang dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel random Sampling di SMA Negeri 1 Berandan Barat. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala gaya belajar siswa yang terdiri dari 60 item (ɑ = 0,805). Dari hasil analisis gaya belajar di dapatkan bahwa kontribusi gaya belajar collaborative pada gaya belajar sebesar 0,1910, gaya belajar dependent sebesar 0,1853, gaya belajar partisipant sebesar 0,1832, gaya belajar independent sebesar 0,1807, gaya belajar comnpetitive sebesar 0,1773 dan gaya belajar avoident sebesar 0,821. Ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya belajar yang paling dominan ialah gaya belajar collaborative.
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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