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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Retnawati-
dc.contributor.advisorSari, Warsani Purnama-
dc.contributor.authorSihombing, Kristina Natalia-
dc.descriptionTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui cara meminimalisir keuangan yang berjalan apabila dilakukan Perencanaan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21 oleh perusahaan PT. Cahaya Mandiri (Rumah Sakit Mata SMEC) Medan. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode analisis data kualitatif (menggunakan analisis), dimana metode ini mengumpulkan, menyusun, menginterprestasikan, dan menganalisa data sehingga memberikan keterangan lengkap bagi faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi perencanaan pajak 21 dengan Pajak Badan. Sampel yang digunakan sangat representatif mewakili).Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan adalah Data Sekunder, dimana sekunder data ini berasal dari data perusahaan yang telah terdokumentasi. Data inilah yang didapat dari perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan Perencanaan Pajak dan Pajak Penghasilan pasal 21 . Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada PT. Cahaya Mandiri (Rumah Sakit Mata SMEC) Medan pada tahun 2015 sampai dengan 2017 dapat dimimalisir sebanyak 1.10 % Pada tahun 2015 Pajak Penghasilan terminimalisir sebesar Rp 28.634.375, tahun 2016 sebanyak Rp 69.591.750,- dan tahun 2017 Rp154.905.445.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to find out how to minimize the current finances if Article 21 of the Income Tax Planning is carried out by the company PT. Cahaya Mandiri (SMEC Eye Hospital) Medan. This type of research uses qualitative data analysis methods (using analysis), where this method collects, collects, interprets, and analyzes data so as to provide complete information for the factors that influence tax planning 21 with Corporate Tax. The sample used is very representative (representative). In this study the data used are secondary data, where secondary data is derived from documented company data. This data is obtained from companies relating to Tax Planning and Income Tax article 21. The results of research conducted at PT. Cahaya Mandiri (SMEC Eye Hospital) Medan in 2015 to 2017 can be minimized by 1.10%.In 2015 the income tax was minimizedat Rp. 28,634,375, in 2016 a total of Rp. 69,591,750, and in 2017 Rp.154,905,445.The purpose of this study is to find out how to minimize the current finances if Article 21 of the Income Tax Planning is carried out by the company PT. Cahaya Mandiri (SMEC Eye Hospital) Medan. This type of research uses qualitative data analysis methods (using analysis), where this method collects, collects, interprets, and analyzes data so as to provide complete information for the factors that influence tax planning 21 with Corporate Tax. The sample used is very representative (representative). In this study the data used are secondary data, where secondary data is derived from documented company data. This data is obtained from companies relating to Tax Planning and Income Tax article 21. The results of research conducted at PT. Cahaya Mandiri (SMEC Eye Hospital) Medan in 2015 to 2017 can be minimized by 1.10%.In 2015 the income tax was minimizedat Rp. 28,634,375, in 2016 a total of Rp. 69,591,750, and in 2017 Rp.154,905,445.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectperencanaan pajaken_US
dc.subjectpajak penghasilan pasal 21en_US
dc.subjectpajak penghasilanen_US
dc.subjecttax planningen_US
dc.subjectarticle 21 income taxen_US
dc.subjectincome taxen_US
dc.subjectfinacial loss/profit reporten_US
dc.titlePerencanaan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21 Untuk Meminimalisir Pajak Penghasilan PT. Cahaya Mandiri (Rumah Sakit Mata SMEC) Medanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Accountancy

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