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dc.contributor.advisorMunthe, Sirmas-
dc.contributor.advisorDelvika, Yuana-
dc.contributor.authorPardosi, Yazid Ahmadi-
dc.descriptionPenelitian ini dilaksanakan karena kurangnya keinginan CV. Bintang Terang Percut Sei Tuan (CV. BTPST) untuk memperbaiki produk periuk agar semakin dicintai konsumen. Padahal teknologi dan inovasi desain semakin maju agar setiap perusahaan tetap eksis di pasaran yang penuh persaingan. Hal ini yang mengakibatkan turunnya produksi yang berdampak terhadap keuntungan CV. BTPST secara signifikan. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah produk periuk telah sesuai dengan persepsi konsumen dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana desain ulang produk periuk berdasarkan keinginan konsumen. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan penelitian ini menggunakan Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Sumber data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner terbuka yang disebarkan kepada wanita dengan rentang usia antara 20-60 tahun yang berdomisili di daerah Medan Johor dan Marelan. Penyebaran kuesioner terbuka dilakukan kepada 384 orang pada masing-masing daerah tersebut serta kuesioner tertutup kepada 66 orang berisikan 10 pernyataan. Data yang terkumpul diuji reliabilitas dan validitasnya secara manual dan menggunakan SPSS. Berdasarkan analisa data yang dilakukan, diperoleh responden secara dominan menjawab setuju perlunya perbaikan periuk di CV. BTPST. Nilai Uji Reliabilitasnya 0,707 sedangkan nilai Uji Validitasnya berurutan 0,768; 0,332; 0,494; 0,559; 0,333; 0,516; 0,510; 0,638; 0,355; 0,620. Berdasarkan perolehan kuesioner terbuka bahwa periuk saat ini belum sesuai dengan persepsi konsumen. Setelah dilakukan identifikasi melalui kuesioner tertutup disimpulkan bahwa persepsi konsumen menyetujui perlunya desain ulang pada periuk dengan bentuk silinder, bagian bawah diberikan lapisan, tutup serta tangkai gagang diberi isolator berupa karet/plastik, diterterakan tanda volume air, kemasan diterterakan batas waktu/umur pakai, kemasan berbahan kotak kardus, produk seharga Rp. 55.000,- dan ketahanan periuk selama 7-8 bulan.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research was carried out due to lack of desire of CV. Bintang Terang Percut Sei Tuan (CV. BTPST) to improve the pot products to be increasingly loved by consumers. Even though technology and design innovation are advancing so that every company still exists in a competitive market. This has resulted in a decrease in production which has an impact on the profits of CV. BTPST significantly. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine whether the pot products are in accordance with consumer perceptions and to find out how to redesign pot products based on consumer desires. The method used to complete this study uses Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The data source used is an open questionnaire distributed to women with an age range between 20-60 years who live in the Medan Johor and Marelan areas. The distribution of open questionnaires was carried out to 384 people in each of these areas and closed questionnaires to 66 people containing 10 statements. The collected data is tested for reliability and validity manually and using SPSS. Based on the data analysis done, it was obtained that the respondent dominantly agreed in favor of the need to repair the pot in the CV. BTPST. The Reliability Test value is 0.707 while the Validity Test value is sequential 0.768; 0.332; 0.494; 0.559; 0.333; 0.516; 0.510; 0.638; 0.355; 0.620. Based on the acquisition of an open questionnaire that the pot is not currently in accordance with consumer perceptions. After identification through a closed questionnaire, it was concluded that consumers' perceptions agreed on the need for a redesign of the pot with a cylindrical shape, the bottom was given layers, covers and handles were given rubber/plastic insulators, wiped out the volume mark of water, the package was wasted time limit/lifetime, packaging made of cardboard boxes, products worth Rp. 55,000 and potency for 7-8 months.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectquality function deployment (qfd)en_US
dc.subjectatribut produken_US
dc.subjectkarakteristik tekniken_US
dc.subjectrancangan produken_US
dc.subjectproducts attributesen_US
dc.subjecttechnical characteristicsen_US
dc.subjectproduct designen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kualitas Produk Periuk dengan Metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD) pada CV. Bintang Terang Percut Sei Tuanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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