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dc.contributor.advisorMustafa, Kamil-
dc.contributor.advisorSingh, Rasphal-
dc.description.abstractKlinik Umum dan Bersalin Rumah Sehat Wahida sebagai ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat memiliki komitmen untuk selalu meningkatkan pelayanan yang dibutuhkan oleh konsumen / pelanggan (pasien). Namun seiring dengan semakin mapannya klinik kesehatan memberikan dampak klinis berupa persaingan yang semakin ketat untuk mendapatkan pelanggan setia. Melalui penelitian ini dengan metode Servqual-Fuzzy, diharapkan variabel klinis mampu mengidentifikasi pelayanan yang perlu diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup yang mencakup lima dimensi kualitas layanan yaitu tangible (bukti langsung), reliability responsiveness, assurance (jaminan), dan empati. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa variabel Jadwal Pelayanan Perawatan Tepat Setiap Hari memiliki gap terbesar 0,2072. Sedangkan dimensi reliabilitas memiliki gap terbesar yaitu 0.6542. General Clinic and Maternity Rumah Sehat Wahida as the spearhead of the public health service has a commitment to always improve the services needed by the consumer / customer (patient). But as more and more established health clinics provide clinical impact of increasing competition to gain loyal customers. Through this study the method Servqual-Fuzzy, expected clinical variables able to identify services that need to be repaired and upgraded. This study uses open and closed questionnaire that includes five dimensions of service quality that is tangible (direct evidence), reliability responsiveness, assurance (guarantees), and empathy. Based on this research, it was found that the variable service schedule Right Care Every Time The day has the largest gap 0.2072. While the dimensions of reliability has the largest gap is 0.6542.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectFuzzy Servqualen_US
dc.subjectCustomer Satisfactionen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kepuasan Pasien Berdasarkan Metode Servqual – Fuzzy Di Klinik Umum Dan Bersalin Rumah Sehat Wahidaen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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