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Title: Optimasi Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) dengan Menggunakan Metode Nearest Neighbour pada Pendistribusian Paku di PT. Putra Bandar Wiretama
Other Titles: Optimization of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) by Using the Nearest Neighbor Method on Nail Distribution at PT. Putra Bandar Wiretama
Authors: Zahra, Shafa
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hasibuan, Chalis Fajri
Polewangi, Yudi Daeng
Keywords: distribusi;jarak;biaya;waktu;nearest neighbour;vehicle routing problem;distibution distance;cost;time
Issue Date: 28-Sep-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM, 178150018;
Abstract: Sasaran pada sistem distribusi adalah dapat mengirimkan produk secara akurat, cepat, serta dengan biaya terendah. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan sistem distribusi sangatlah penting karena dapat menunjang perkembangan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah rute distribusi saat ini tidak terjadwal secara efisien dan utilisasi alat angkut yang belum optimal, penentuan rute hanya berdasarkan intuisi pengemudi, tidak memperhatikan lokasi dan jarak pelanggan yang dituju. Sehingga terjadi kemungkinan dalam proses pengiriman, armada kendaraan menempuh jarak yang terlalu jauh dan memakan banyak waktu serta biaya yang digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jarak tempuh minimum untuk setiap rute, mengoptimalkan waktu, dan meminimalkan biaya distribusi. PT. Putra Bandar Wiretama merupakan sebuah perusahaan industri yang hasil produk utamanya berupa paku. Penelitian ini menerapkan Vehicle Routing Problem dengan menggunakan metode Nearest Neighbour untuk mengoptimalkan rute pengiriman. Metode Nearest Neighbour digunakan untuk merancang rute berdasarkan jarak terdekat berikutnya. Hasil penentuan rute menggunakan metode Nearest Neighbour menghasilkan pengurangan rute distribusi menjadi 3 rute dengan utilisasi alat angkut meningkat menjadi 95,28%, memperpendek jarak tempuh sejauh 415,2 km atau sebesar 16,14%, total waktu pendistribusian dapat direduksi selama 742,72 menit atau sebesar 9,85%, dan menghemat biaya distribusi sebesar Rp. 1.547.376,- atau 22,83%. The goal of the distribution system is to be able to deliver products accurately, quickly, and at the lowest cost. Therefore, the development of the distribution system is very important because it can support the development and growth of the company. The problems that arise are that the current distribution route is not scheduled efficiently and the utilization of transportation equipment is not optimal, the route determination is only based on the driver's intuition, not paying attention to the location and distance of the intended customer. So that there is a possibility in the delivery process, the vehicle fleet travels too far and takes a lot of time and costs. This study aims to determine the minimum mileage for each route, optimize time, and minimize distribution costs. PT. Putra Bandar Wiretama is an industrial company whose main product is nails. This study applies the Vehicle Routing Problem by using the Nearest Neighbor method to optimize delivery routes. The Nearest Neighbor method is used to design a route based on the next closest distance. The results of determining the route using the Nearest Neighbor method resulted in a reduction of distribution routes to 3 routes with the utilization of transportation equipment increasing to 95.28%, shortening the distance traveled by 415.2 km or by 16.14%, the total distribution time can be reduced to 742.72 minutes or 9.85%, and save distribution costs of Rp. 1,547,376,- or 22.83%.
Description: 65 halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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