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dc.contributor.advisorDelvika, Yuana-
dc.contributor.advisorPrasetyo, Healthy Aldriany-
dc.contributor.authorBr Surbakti, Vinia Agatta-
dc.description51 halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractCV. ARG Depari Group adalah usaha yang bergerak dalam supplier dan Logistic produk wortel dengan pencucian dan pengemasan produk wortel. Proses operasi dimulai dengan melakukan pencabutan langsung dari lahan, lalu pencucian, serta persortian kemudian dikemas sesuai ukuran, terakhir dilakukan penimbangan dan penegecekan ulang. Dalam proses operasi di pabrik, ditemukan seringkali terjadi waktu menunggu, terutama di stasiun kerja pencucian, dan waktu lembur karyawan padahal masih banyak waktu yang terbuang yang sebenarnya bisa dioptimalkan. Dalam mengurangi waste/pemborosan yang terjadi, pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah melakukan value stream mapping current state, melakukan activity mapping current state, identifikasi dan analisis penyebab waste waiting menggunakan fishbone diagram, pembobotan penyebab waste waiting dengan pareto diagram, dan memberikan usulan perbaikan. Pada saat wortel sampai di gudang, tiap karung berisi 85 kg wortel yang belum dibersihkan, setelah melalui proses pencucian pada mesin pencuci wortel berat wortel menjadi 82 Kg. Wortel mengalami penyusutan berat setelah pengeringan menjadi 80 Kg. Proses penyortiran hingga didapatkan wortel top dan reject adalah 80 Kg, sedangkan dalam penimbangan wortel ditimbang masing masing 10 Kg, ditambah berat kardus 0,5 Kg hingga berat wortel setelah dikemas adalah 10,05 Kg.Waktu siklus produksi yaitu 430,858 menit = 7,18 Jam. Waktu lead time dihitung dari order diterima perusahaan, sampai produk tersebut sampai di tangan konsumen. Lead time dari produksi yaitu 6237 menit atau sekitar 4,33 hari, sedangkan waktu siklus dihitung sejak bahan baku diterima, sampai produk jadi masuk di storage. Waktu siklus yang diperlukan untuk penyelesaian operasi wortel yaitu 7,180 jam Pada VSM (value stream mapping) diketahui total lead time adalah 6.237,36 menit. Berkurangnya waktu cycle time pada proses operasi di CV. ARG Depari Group karena efisiensi alat serta penggabungan stasiun kerja, dan perbaikan tata letak stasiun kerja serta melakukan perawatan mesin pencuci wortel, sehingga mengurangi waktu siklus yang semula 7,180 jam menjadi 4,749 jam, serta mengurangi total lead time semula memakan waktu 4,3315 hari menjadi 3,2 hari. CV. ARG Depari Group is a business engaged in supplier and logistics of carrot products by washing and packaging carrot products. The operation process is beginun by retracting directly from the land, then washing, and sorting then packing them based on the size, lastly weighing and re-checking. During the operation process at the factory, it was found that there was often waiting time, especially at the washing work station, and employee overtime, even though there was still a lot of wasted time that could be optimized. In reducing the waste that occurred, the first thing to do was conducting a value stream mapping current state, conducting a mapping activity current state, identifying and analyzing the causes of waste waiting using a fishbone diagram, weighting the causes of waste waiting with a Pareto diagram, and providing suggestions for improvements. When the carrots arrived at the warehouse, each sack was contained 85 kg of carrots that had not been cleaned. After it was through the washing process in the carrot washing machine; the carrot weight was reduced to 82 kg. The carrots experienced weight shrinkage after drying to 80 Kg. The sorting process until the top and reject carrots were obtained was 80 Kg, while in weighing the carrots were weighed 10 Kg each, plus a cardboard box weight of 0.5 Kg until their weight after being packaged was 10.05 Kg. The production cycle time was 430.858 minutes = 7.18 hours. The lead time was calculated from the order received by the company until the product reached the consumer. The lead time from production was 6,237 minutes or about 4.33 days, while the cycle time was calculated from the raw materials were received until the finished product enters the storage. The cycle time required to complete the carrot operation was 7,180 hours. In VSM (value stream mapping) it was known that the total lead time was 6,237.36 minutes. Reduced cycle time in the operation process at CV. ARG Depari Group was caused by the equipment efficiency, the work stations incorporation, and the work station layout improvement as well as the carrot washing machine maintenance, thereby reducing the cycle time from 7,180 hours to 4,749 hours and reducing the total lead time from 4.3315 days to 3.2 daysen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNPM, 178150030;-
dc.subjectvalue stream mapping current stateen_US
dc.subjectvalue stream mapping future stateen_US
dc.subjectprocess activity future mappingen_US
dc.subjectlean manufacturingen_US
dc.subjectwaste waitingen_US
dc.titlePengurangan Waste Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing pada CV. Arg Depari Groupen_US
dc.title.alternativeWaste Reduction Using Lean Manufacturing Approach on CV. Arg Depari Groupen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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