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Title: Pengendalian Mutu Limbah Cair di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (Persero) Pabrik Gula Sei Semayang Medan
Other Titles: Liquid Waste Quality Control at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II (Persero) Sei Semayang Sugar Factory, Medan
Authors: Meirinda
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Mustafa, Kamil
Banjarnahor, M
Keywords: pengendalian mutu limbah cair;ptpn II;sei semayang;pabrik gula
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2002
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;988150017
Abstract: pabrik gula dalam pengoperasiannya selain menggunakan tebu sebagai bahan baku utama juga menggunakan bahan kimia seperti susu kapur dan gas sulpit sebagai bahan baku penolong sehingga di perkirakan dapat menimbulkan dampak penting antara lain pencemaran air badan air tempat pembuangan. Untuk mengatasi pencemaran yang terjadi pabrik gula sei semayang mengolah terlebih dahulu limbahnya sebelum diuang ke perairan umum, dimana dalam pengolahannya dilakukan secara biologis dengan metode oxidation ditch (parit oksidasi). Kualitas limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari unit pengolahan harus dapat dikendalikan dengan baik agar beban pencemaran yang disebabkan oleh limbah cair dapat di teken seminimal mungkin sehingga kadar parameter limbah cair seperti BOD, DO, COD, Ph dan temperatur tidak melebihi dari nilai ambang batas. Pengambilan sampel dilakuan dengan metode grab sampling (manual) dimana sampel diambil dari 3 titik lokasi pengambilan yaitu dibagian awal keluarnya limbah...In its operation, the sugar factory uses sugar cane as the main raw material, it also uses chemicals such as lime milk and sulpit gas as auxiliary raw materials, so that it is estimated that it can have important impacts, including pollution of water bodies in landfills. To overcome the pollution that occurred the Sei Sei sugar factory first processed the waste before it was poured into public waters, where the processing was carried out biologically with the oxidation ditch method (oxidation trench). The quality of liquid waste produced from the processing unit must be well controlled so that the pollution load caused by liquid waste can be signed to a minimum so that the levels of liquid waste parameters such as BOD, DO, COD, Ph and temperature do not exceed the threshold value. Sampling was carried out using the grab sampling method (manual) where samples were taken from 3 points of collection location, namely at the beginning of the discharge of waste...
Description: 63 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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