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Title: Hubungan antara Persepsi Siswa Tentang Karakteristik Konselor dan Efektifitas Layanan Konseling Individual dengan Minat Berkonsultasi pada Siswa Siswi SMA Panca Budi Medan
Other Titles: The Relationship between Students' Perceptions About the Characteristics of Counselors and the Effectiveness of Individual Counseling Services with Consultation Interests in Panca Budi Senior High School Students Medan
Authors: Azman, Denny
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hardjo, Suryani
Candra, Andy
Keywords: karaktersitik konselor;persepsi layanan;persepsi konseling;minat berkonsultasi
Issue Date: Apr-2010
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;058600153
Abstract: Dalam membuktikan hipotesis, maka digunakan metode analisis data analisis regresi dua prediktor. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil: 1). Terdapat hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara persepsi tentang karekteristik konselor dan persepsi tentang efektifitas layanan konseling individual dengan minat berkonsultasi. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien koefisien Freg = 4,825 dimana p < 0,050. 2). Adapun sumbangan dari variabel persepsi tentang karakteristik konselor terhadap minat berkonsultasi sebesar 22, 1% dan untuk variabel persepsi tentang efektifitas layanan konseling individual terhadap minat berkonsultasi berdasarkan analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar 27,2%. Sehingga total sumbangan efektif dari kedua variabel terhadap minat berkonsultasi sebesar 49,3%. 3). Bahwa persepsi tentang karekteristik konselor tergolong sangat positif, sebab nilai rata-rata empirik yang diperoleh sebesar 168,15 selisihnya dengan nilai rata-rata hipotetik sebesar 125 melebihi bilangan SD yang besarnya 14,562. Kemudian untuk persepsi tentang efektivitas layanan konseling individual, nilai rata-rata empirik yang diperoleh sebesar 134,72 selisihnya dengan nilai rata-rata hipotetik sebesar 102,5 melebihi bilangan SD yang besarnya 12,579 sedangkan untuk minat berkonsultasi nilai rata-rata empirik yang diperoleh 100,19 selisihnya dengan nilai rata-rata hipotetik sebesar 80 melebihi bilangan SD yang besamya 17,111. Secara umum, basil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa para siswa memiliki persepsi yang sangat positif tentang karekteristik konselor dan efektivitas layanan konseling individual serta minat berkonsultasi yang sangat tinggi. In proving the hypothesis, the analytical method is used two predictor regression analysis data. Based on data analysis, the results obtained are: 1). There is a very significant positive relationship between perception about counselor characteristics and perceptions of the effectiveness of counseling services individuals with an interest in consulting. This result is evidenced by the coefficient Freg coefficient = 4.825 where p < 0.050. 2). As for donations from variable the perception of the characteristics of the counselor on the interest in consulting is 22, 1% and for the variable perception of the effectiveness of counseling services individual on interest in consulting based on data analysis in research this is by 27.2%. So that the total effective contribution of the two variables to interest in consulting by 49.3%. 3). That the perception of the characteristics counselor is classified as very positive, because the empirical average score obtained of 168.15 the difference with the hypothetical average value of 125 exceed SD number whose magnitude is 14,562. Then for the perception of effectiveness individual counseling services, the empirical average value obtained is 134.72 the difference with the hypothetical mean value of 102.5 exceeds the number SD which is 12,579 while for interest in consulting the average value empirically obtained 100.19 the difference with the hypothetical average value of 80 exceeds the SD number which is 17.111. In general, the results of this study illustrate that students have a very positive perception of the counselor's characteristics and effectiveness of individual counseling services as well as a very strong interest in consulting tall.
Description: 28 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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