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dc.contributor.advisorHasibuan, Chalis Fajri-
dc.contributor.advisorPolewangi, Yudi Daeng-
dc.contributor.authorLubis, Neni May Aida-
dc.description70 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractKondisi perkembangan usaha parfume semakin pest sat in menuntut profesionalisme setiap pelaku usaha untuk melakukan inovasi baik dari segi kemampuan maupun segi kemasan agar tetap dapat bersaing di pasar. Salah satu aspek yang dapat menarik minat beli konsumen adalah dengan adanya desain kemasan. Saat ini, desain kotak kemasan Perfume dari UD. Kaizen Parfume dirasa belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Hasil studi pendahuluan penelitian, bahwa 54,5% konsumen perfume setuju bahwa kemasan memberikan pengaruh terhadap penjualan perfume. Tetapi, 73% responden menilai bahwa kemasan saat ini tidak sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen. Maka dari itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan desain produk kotak kemasan botol perfume berdasarkan fitur yang sesuai keinginan dan kepuasan penggunanya. Untuk merancang desain kotak kemasan botol perfume yang baru, digunakan Model Kano dan metode Ouality Function Deployment (QFD) sehingga menghasilkan atribut - atribut yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Dari penelitian didapatkan 12 atribut customer voice yang dipadatkan menjadi 9 technical response. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan desain yang harus dikembangkan dalam kotak kemasan perfume adalah warna kemasan, warna logo, dan warna merk serta warna tulisan informasi, adanya keterangan informasi produk, dan posisi logonya. Hasil akhir penambahan fungsi pada kotak kemasan adalah ukuran tinggi kotak kemasan 17 cm, yaitu agar kemasan dapat digunakan untuk kedua ukuran botol perfume yaitu ukuran 35 ml dan ukuran 50 ml. The condition of the development of the perfume business is increasingly demanding professionalism of every business actor to innovate both in terms of capabilities and in terms of packaging in order to remain competitive in the market. One of The aspect that can attract consumers' buying interest is the design packaging. Currently, Perfume packaging box design from UD. Kaizen Perfume is felt unable to meet customer needs. Preliminary study results research, that 54.5% of perfume consumers agree that the packaging provides influence on perfume sales. However, 73% of respondents considered that current packaging is not in accordance with the wishes of consumers. Therefore the goal This research is to develop a bottle packaging box product design perfume based on features according to the wishes and satisfaction of its users. To design a new perfume bottle packaging box design, use Kano's model and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method so that produce attributes that can increase customer satisfaction. From The research found 12 attributes of customer voice which were compressed into 9 technical response. The results of the study indicate that the design must be developed in the perfume packaging box is the color of the packaging, the color of the logo, and the color of the brand as well as the color of the information writing, the existence of a description of product information, and the position of the product the logo. The final result of adding functionality to the packaging box is the height size 17 cm packing box, that is, so that the packaging can be used for both sizes Perfume bottles are 35 ml and 50 ml.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectdesain kemasanen_US
dc.subjectkotak parfumeen_US
dc.subjectmodel kanoen_US
dc.subjectquality function deploymenten_US
dc.subjectpackaging designen_US
dc.subjectperfume boxen_US
dc.titleAnalisa Perancangan Desain Kotak Kemasan Botol Perfume dengan Model Kano dan Metode Quality Function Deployment pada UD Kaizen Perfumeen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Design of Perfume Bottle Packaging Boxes with Kano Model and Quality Function Deployment Method at UD Kaizen Perfumeen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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