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dc.contributor.advisorMaizana, Dina-
dc.contributor.advisorMungkin, Moranain-
dc.contributor.authorSibarani, Esron S.-
dc.description58 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractDalam upaya pencarian sumber tenaga terbarukan hendaknya penuhi ketentuan ialah menciptakan jumlah tenaga yang lumayan besar, bayaran murah serta ramah terhadap area. Solar cell ataupun panel surya merupakan perlengkapan mengkonversi tenaga matahari jadi tenaga listrik. Pemakaian panel surya di Indonesia sangat berguna sebab Indonesia terletak di kawasan khatulistiwa yang nyaris segala wilayahnya menemukan cahaya matahari sepanjang 10 hingga 12 jam tiap harinya serta, Indonesia ialah Negeri tropis yang memiliki kemampuan tenaga surya dengan insolasi setiap hari rata- rata 4,5 - 4,8 kWh/ meter2/hari. Namun saat ini penggunaan panel surya di Indonesia masilah peletakan bersifat diam (statik) sehingga penyerapan cahaya matahari kurang optimal dikarenakan seringnya terjadi cuaca, mendung, dan pada saat siang sampai sore cahaya matahari sudah membelakangi/ atau tidak sejajar dari panel surya. Untuk mendapatkan energi listrik yang optimal, sistem panel surya tersebut harus dilengkapi dengan suatu sistem control dan dilengkapi dengan sensor modul RCT (REAL Time Clock) yang berfungsi memberi data waktu/ atau komponen yang real waktunya untuk mengatur arah permukaan dari panel surya agar selalu menghadap matahari pada sudut yang diberikan (tracking berdasarkan pergerakan bumi) sehingga energi dari sinar matahari dapat sepenuhnya jatuh ke permukaan panel surya. Dan dari data yang di dapat pada tanggal 13 desember 2021 daya keluaran yang dihasilkan panel surya 10 Wp system tracking selama 9 (Sembilan) jam dengan beban lampu 5 Watt menghasilkan daya total sebesar 35,392 Wh sedangkan panel surya 10 Wp yang non tracking menghasilkan daya total sebesar 19,658 Wh dan selisih yang dihasilkan kedua panel surya 10 Wp tersebut sebesar 15,732 Wh. In an effort to find renewable energy sources, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of creating a fairly large amount of energy, low cost and friendly to the environment. Solar cells or solar panels are equipment that converts solar energy into electrical energy. The use of solar panels in Indonesia is very useful because Indonesia is located in the equator where almost all areas get 10 to 12 hours of sunlight per day and, Indonesia is a tropical country that has solar power capacity with an average daily insolation of 4.5 - 4 ,8 kWh/meter2/day. However, currently the use of solar panels in Indonesia is still in a stationary position (static) so that the absorption of sunlight is less than optimal due to the frequent occurrence of weather, cloudy weather, and during the afternoon until the afternoon the sun's light has turned back/or is not parallel to the solar panels. To obtain optimal electrical energy, the solar panel system must be equipped with a control system and equipped with an RCT (REAL Time Clock) sensor module which functions to provide real time data/or components to adjust the direction of the surface of the solar panel so that it always faces the sun. at a given angle (tracking based on the movement of the earth) so that the energy from the sun's rays can completely fall to the surface of the solar panel. And from the data obtained on December 13, 2021, the output power produced by a 10 Wp solar panel tracking system for 9 (nine) hours with a 5 Watt lamp load produces a total power of 35.392 Wh while a non-tracking 10 Wp solar panel produces a total power of 19,658 Wh and the difference between the two 10 Wp solar panels is 15,732 Wh.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectenergi mataharien_US
dc.subjectpanel suryaen_US
dc.subjectmotor servoen_US
dc.subjectsolar energyen_US
dc.subjectsolar panelsen_US
dc.subjectservo motoren_US
dc.titleRancang Bangun Sistem Tracking Panel Surya 10 WP Berbasis RTC dan Arduinoen_US
dc.title.alternativeDesign and Build 10 WP Solar Panel Tracking System Based on RTC and Arduinoen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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