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Title: Usability Test dengan Metode Eye Tracking pada Website E-Learning Universitas Medan Area
Other Titles: Usability Test with the Eye Tracking Method on the Medan Area University E-Learning Website
Authors: Sihotang, Trinaldo Anangjasa
Keywords: e-Leaming;usability;efektivita;efisiensi;eye tracking;e-learning;usability;effectiveness;efficiency;eye tracking
Issue Date: 13-Sep-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188150019
Abstract: Universitas Medan Area (UMA) adalah salab satu kampus yang mempunyai website £ -learning yang dibuat dengan tujuan berupaya untuk memfasilitasi proses belajar mengajar antara mahasiswa dan dosen yang dapat dilakukan darijarak jauh dan terhubung me]alui internet. Filur- fitur yang ada pada website E-Learning UMA cukup lengkap, namun pengoperasian beberapa fitur cukup rumit dan memakan waktu sehingga beberapa mahasiswa/mabasiswi UMA kesulitan dalam menggunakan E-Leaming UMA. Website £-Leaming Universitas Medan Area perlu dilakukan pengujian usability dengan Unsur Efektivitas dan Efisiensi. Penelitian ini be1tujuan untuk mengetahui hasil dari usability test pada website £Learning Universitas Medan Area dan mengetahui bagaimana usulan perbaikan website E-Learning Universitas Medan Area. Untuk evaluasi usability pada website E-learning Universitas Medan Area dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunak:aan metode Eye Tracking. Eye Tracking adalab teknik yang memungkinkan akadernisi atau peneliti dapat menganalisis perhatian visual dengan mendeteksi di mana pengguna mencari, berapa Jama mereka melihat, dan urutan mereka melihat. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan cara memberikan beberapa task yang akan dikerjakan responden, untuk melihat keberhasilan dan waktu penge1jaan responden. Hasil yang djperoleh pada penelitian ini berdasarkan perhitungan tingkat efektivitas pada Task 1 diperoleh persentase sebcsar 88,57 %, pada Task 2 diperoleb sebesar4 l ,63 % dan pada Task 3 diperoleb sebesar48,57 %. Berdasarkan per bitu.ngan tingkat efisiensi diperoleh TBE Task I = 0,038 goals/sec, TBE Task 2 = 0,024 goals/sec, TBE Task 3 = 0,031 goals/sec Dan diperoleh ORE Task J = 85,99 %, ORE Task 2 = 29,83 %, ORE Task 3 = 34,44 %. University of Medan Area {UMA) is one of the universities having an E-learning website for facilitating the teaclling and leanung process between students a11d lecturers that can be done remotely and connected via the internet. The features on the UMA E-Learning website are pretty complete, but slill, the operation of some features is quite complicated and time-consuming, so some UMA students found it hard to use UMA E-Learning. The University of Medan Area E-Leaming website needed to be tested for usability with Elements of Effectiveness and Efficie'1cy. This study aimed to know the usability test results 011 the University of Medan Area ELearning website and to know how the proposed improvements to the University of Medan Area E-Learning website. This research used the Eye Tracking method. Eye Tracking is a technique that allowed academics or researchers to analyze visual attention by detecting where users are looking, how long they are looking and the order in which they are loo/dng. This test was can·/ed out by giving several tasks to be done by the responde11ts, to find out the success and time of the respo11de11ts' work. The results in this study was based on the calculation of the effectiveness level i11 Task 1 obtained a percentage of 88.57%, Task 2 obtained 41.63%, and Task 3 obtained 48.57%. Based 011 the calculation of the efficiency level, it obtained TBE Task J = 0.038 goals/sec. TBE Task 2 = 0.024 goals/sec, TB£ Task 3 = 0.031 goals/sec and obtained ORE Task 1 = 85. 99%, ORE Task 2 = 29.83%, ORE Task 3 = 34.44%.
Description: 58 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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