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dc.contributor.authorSimaibang, Eva Marsela-
dc.description71 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractBeton membutuhkan suatu bekisting untuk mendapatkan bentuk dan ukuran yang direncanakan. Perencanaan pembuatan bekisting beton harus memperhitungkan kekuatan dan kekakuan dari bekisting beton tersebut akibat gaya-gaya yang ditimbulkan dari penuangan beton segar ke dalam bekisting. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kekakuan bekisting dinding geser akibat tekanan lateral beton segar pada saat pekerjaan pengecoran berlangsung. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi (pengamatan) langsung di lapangan serta mencari data dari perusahaan yang melaksanakan proyek. Pemeriksaan kekuatan, kekakuan, dan tegangan geser pada bekisting dinding geser ditinjau dari perhitungan berdasarkan SK-SNI T-15-1991- 03. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari tinjauan syarat kekuatan dengan jarak tiang vertikal, l = 250 mm < lizin = 348,583 mm, dengan jarak perangkai yaitu l1 = 350 mm, l2 = 900 mm, l3 = 1100 mm < lizin =1570,125 mm dan jarak pen pusat l =750 mm < lizin = 1241,293 mm. Berdasarkan tinjauan syarat kekakuan dengan jarak tiang perangkai (l) = = 250 mm < lizin = 275,879 mm, dengan jarak perangkai yaitu l1 = 350 mm, l2 = 900 mm, l3 = 1100 mm < lizin = 1644,372 mm dan jarak pen pusat (l) =750 mm < lizin = 1115,878 mm. Berdasarkan perhitungan tegangan geser pada tiang vertikal τ = 10,3 N/mm2 < τizin = 21,20 N/mm2, sedangkan pada tiang perangkai τ = 12,264 N/mm2 < τizin = 100 N/mm2. Dengan demikian syarat kekutan, kekakuan, dan tegangan geser pada bekisting dinding geser terpenuhi. Concrete requires a formwork to obtain the planned shape and size. Planning for the manufacture of concrete formwork must take into account the strength and rigidity of the concrete formwork due to the forces arising from the pouring of fresh concrete into the formwork. The purpose of writing this thesis is to evaluate the strength and rigidity of the shear wall formwork due to the lateral pressure of fresh concrete at the time of the casting work. Data collection techniques are carried out by direct observation (observation) in the field and looking for data from companies that carry out projects. The examination of strength, stiffness, and shear stress on the shear wall formwork is reviewed from calculations based on SK-SNI T-15-1991- 03. The results showed from the review of the strength requirements with a vertical pole distance, l = 250 mm < lizin = 348.583 mm, with a separation distance of l1 = 350 mm, l2 = 900 mm, l3 = 1100 mm < lizin = 1570.125 mm and a center pen distance l = 750 mm < lizin = 1241.293 mm. Based on the review of the stiffness terms with the distance of the assembled pole (l) = = 250 mm < lizin = 275.879 mm, with the separation distance of the assembled l1 = 350 mm, l2 = 900 mm, l3 = 1100 mm < lizin = 1644.372 mm and the distance of the central pen (l) = 750 mm < lizin = 1115.878 mm. Based on the calculation of shear stress on vertical poles τ = 10.3 N / mm2 < τizin = 21.20 N / mm2, while on the assembled poles τ = 12.264 N / mm2 < τizin = 100 N / mm2. Thus the conditions of shear strength, rigidity and stress on the shear wall formwork are met.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjecttekanan lateral betonen_US
dc.subjectlateral pressure of concreteen_US
dc.titleEvaluasi Kekuatan dan Kekakuan Bekisting Dunding Geser Akibat Tekanan Lateral Beton Segar pada proyek Podomoro City Deli Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of Strength and Stiffness of Shear Dunder Formwork Due to Lateral Pressure of Fresh Concrete at the Podomoro City Deli Medan projecten_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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