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dc.contributor.authorNasution, Muhammad Syah Solih-
dc.description65 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractBeban kerja merupakan suatu tuntutan pekerjaan saat menerima permintaan perintah atau tuntutan yang akan menghasilkan suatu bentuk dan tingkatan kinerja. Adapun permasalahan yang menyebabkan beban kerja mental adalah penambahan jam kerja (lembur), hubungan sosial karyawan devisi lain dengan Quality Control yang kurang baik, suhu dilingkungan Quality Control yang tergolong dingin terdapat karyawan yang izin dikarenakan sakit. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan karyawan yang bersangkutan, faktor penyebab karyawan sakit tersebut adalah diakibatkan kelelahan kerja.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui karyawan mana yang beban kerja mentalnya paling tinggi, dan karyawan mana yang beban kerja mentalnya paling rendah, dilakukan pengukuran menggunakan metode Aeronautics and Space Administration Taks Load Index (Nasa TLX) dan metode Cardiovascular Load (CVL). Hasil analisis beban kerja mental yang mengunakan metode NASA-TLX dan CVL yang dibagikan kepada 24 respoden hasilnya beberapa pekerja mengalami beban kerja mental yang tinggi sebagai berikut Doni Pratama dari quality control analisis sebesar 61.33%. Swandi Pasaribu dari quality control analisis sebesar 63.33%, Faisal Fanzuri dari quality control produksi sebesar 64.67%, Ahmad Haryanto dari quality control analisis sebesar 71.33%, Alhafiz Hutabarat dari quality control analisis sebesar 68.66, Mhd Mansyur dari quality control analisis sebesar 61.33%. Workload is a job demand when receiving orders or demands that will produce a form and level of performance. The problems that cause mental workload are additional working hours (overtime), social relations of other division employees with poor Quality Control, temperature in the Quality Control environment which is classified as cold, there are employees who leave due to illness. Based on interviews with the employee concerned, the factor causing the employee's illness was due to work fatigue. The aim of the study was to find out which employee had the highest mental workload, and which employee had the lowest mental workload, was measured using the Aeronautics and Space Administration Tax Load method. Index (Nasa TLX) and Cardiovascular Load (CVL) method. The results of the mental workload analysis using the NASA-TLX and CVL methods which were distributed to 24 respondents resulted in several workers experiencing high mental workload as follows Doni Pratama from quality control analysis of 61.33%. Swandi Pasaribu from quality control analysis was 63.33%, Faisal Fanzuri from quality control production was 64.67%, Ahmad Haryanto was from quality control analysis was 71.33%, Alhafiz Hutabarat from quality control analysis was 68.66, Mhd Mansyur from quality control analysis was 61.33%.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectcardiovascular load (cvl)en_US
dc.subjectaeronautics and space administration task load index (nasa-tlx)en_US
dc.titleAnalisis Beban Kerja Mental pada Quality Control di PT Sinarmas Agro Resource and Technologyen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Mental Workload on Quality Control at PT Sinarmas Agro Resource and Technologyen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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