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dc.description56 Halamanen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipProses penanaman jagung masih menggunakan cara yang sangat sederhana yaitu kayu yang ditajamkan ujungnya dan memegang bungkus benih jagung dengan membungkuk badan secara terus-menerus dimana petani bekerja dengan minimal dua orang. Sehingga akan membawa kinerja menjadi tidak optimal, kondisi kerja tersebut akan mempercepat kelelahan dan menimbulkan banyak keluhan, rasa sakit maupun cidera pada petani jagung pada jangka pendek maupun panjang. Penelitian ini mengukur data-data antropometri yaitu tinggi bahu berdiri, tinggi siku berdiri, panjang lengan bawah, lebar tangan, diameter genggaman tangan agar petani dapat memperbaiki postur tubuh dalam penanam benih jagung, kemudian memberikan kuesioner Nordic Body Map untuk mengetahu keluhan nyeri yang dialami petani pada penanaman benih jagung dan perhitungan biaya unit produk perancangan alat bantu penanam benih jagung. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 petani jagung. Dengan perhitungan dimensi tubuh maka diperoleh tinggi alat benih jagung 140 cm, tinggi pegangan alat tanam benih jagung 105 cm, diameter genggaman alat tanam benih jagung 5 cm, panjang genggaman alat tanam benih jagung 9 cm, jarak operator dengan alat tanam benih jagung 45 cm. Pekerjaan penanam benih jagung menimbulkan keluhan pada bagian leher, bahu, pinggang, pergelangan tangan, tangan kanan dalam pembuatan unit produk membutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 466.000.00. The process of planting corn still uses a modest method that is using sharpened wood and holding the corn seed wrapper by bending over continuously where the farmer works with a minimum of two people. So that it will lead the performance to be not optimal and these working conditions will accelerate fatigue and cause a lot of complaints, pain, and injury to corn farmers in the short and long term. This study measured anthropometric data, namely standing shoulder height, standing elbow height, forearm length, hand width, and hand grip diameter so that farmers could improve body posture in planting corn seeds, then provided a Nordic Body Map questionnaire to find out pain complaints experienced by farmers on planting corn seeds and calculating the unit cost of product design tools for corn seed growers. The subjects in this study were 30 corn farmers. By calculating the dimensions of the body, then obtained the height of the corn seed planting tool was 140 cm, the height of the corn seed planting handle was 105 cm, the grip diameter of the corn seed planting was 5 cm, the grip length of the corn seed planting tool was 9 cm, the distance between the operator and the corn seed planting tool was 45 cm. The cultivating corn seeds job caused complaints on the neck, shoulders, waist, wrist, and right hand that in the manufacture of product units cost Rp 466,000.00.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectnordic bodyen_US
dc.titleRancang Bangun Alat Bantu Penanam Benih Jagung untuk Mengurangi Cidera Musculoskeletal Disorders pada Petani Jagungen_US
dc.title.alternativeDesign of a Corn Seed Planting Tool to Reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders Injuries in Corn Farmersen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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