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Title: Analisa Kondisi Peralatan MTU (Material Transmisi Utama) Menggunakan Thermovisi pada Bay Line Pmt Pgeli-Glugur 1 di PT. PLN (Persero) Gardu Induk Paya Geli
Other Titles: Analysis of MTU (Main Transmission Material) Equipment Conditions Using Thermovision on Pmt Pgeli-Glugur Bay Line 1 at PT. PLN (Persero) Paya Geli Substation
Authors: Situmorang, Cando
Keywords: gardu induk;PMT;Therm0vi;substation;PMT;Thermovision
Issue Date: 16-Nov-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188120002
Abstract: Pemanasaan (h0t p0int) yang terjadi pada peraIatan Gardu Induk (switchyard) disebabkan 0Ieh arus yang mengaIir daIam k0ndukt0r akibat adanya hambatan. Bagian yang sering mengaIami pemanasan adaIah bagian terminaI dan sambungan pada switchyard, terutama antara dua I0gam yang berbeda, serta penampang k0ndukt0r yang mengeciI karena k0r0si. Sehingga bagian tersebut harus diperhatikan, dengan cara meIakukan peng0ntr0Ian atau pengecekan suhunya menggunakan therm0visi. Suhu panas peraIatan PMT (Circuit Breker) pada Bay Iine PGELI-GIUGUR1 Gardu Induk Paya GeIi masih berada pada k0ndisi n0rmaI di fasa S dan di fasa T dimana suhunya berkisar 2,690C dan 9,950C. namun perIu perhatian untuk rencana perbaikan segera di fasa R.SeIisih suhu antar fase berkisar 96,830C peraIatan PMT pada Bay Iine P.GELI-GLUGUR 1 Gardu Induk Paya GeIi mencapai k0ndisi V (Kondisi Darut). namun ada terdapat k0ndisi I dan sehingga perIu diIakukan investigasi dan rencana perbaikan, untuk menghindari terjadinya hubung singkat antar fase (R,S,T). The hot points that occur in the switchyard are caused by currents flowing in the conductor due to obstacles. The frequent heating part is the terminal and conection portion of the switchyard, especially between the two different metals, as well as the cross section of the conductor that shrinks due to corrosion. So that the part should be considered, by controlling or checking the temperature using Thermovisi. The heat temperature of the PMT (Circuit Breker) equipment at Bay line PGELI-GIUGUR1 Paya Geli substation is still at normal conditions in phase S and phase T where the temperature ranges from 2,690C and 9,950C. but attention is needed for an immediate repair plan in the R phase. The temperature difference between the phases is around 96,830C. but there is a condition I and so it is necessary to carry out an investigation and a repair plan, to avoid short circuits between phases (R, S, T).
Description: 68 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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