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Title: Perbedaan Kesiapan Mental dalam Menghadapi Masa Puber Dttinjau dari Urutan Kelahiran pada Siswa-Siswi Kelas I SMP Taman Siswa Binjai
Other Titles: Differences in Mental Readiness in Facing Puberty Based on Birth Order in Class I Students of Taman Siswa Binjai Middle School
Authors: Santi
Keywords: kesiapan mental;masa puber;urutan kelahiran;mental readiness;facing puberty;birth order
Issue Date: 12-Oct-2006
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;018600172
Abstract: Kcsimpulan Ikrdas.irkan hasil analisis data penclitian, rnaka dapat disirnpulkan sebagai berikut: I. Hasil perhitungan analisis varians satu jalur menunjukkan bahwa 'tidak krdapat perbedaan yang signifikan :mtara anak sulung, anak tengah, dan anak bungsu, dimanu hal ini lerlihal dari bc:sarnya kodisic:n perbedaan ( F ~ 1,928 dengan p = 0, 150). Melalui hasil analisis ini maka hipotesis yang diajukan ditolak) 2. Hasil perhitungan dan perbandingan mean hipotetik dan mean empirik dimana mean hipotetik sebesar (130) lebih kecil daripada mean empirik (148,63) dari keseluruhan subjek, hal ini menunjukan ternyata •mak sulung, anak tengah dan anak bungsu memiliki kesiapan mental yang tinggi dalam menghadapi masa puber. Conclusion Based on the results of research data analysis, it can be concluded as following: I. The results of one-way variance analysis calculations show that 'is not found significant differences: between the eldest child, the middle child, and the youngest child, where this can be seen from the bc:large codisc:n difference (F ~ 1.928 with p = 0.150). Through the results of this analysis, the proposed hypothesis is rejected) 2. Calculation results and comparison of the hypothetical mean and empirical mean where the hypothetical mean of (130) is smaller than the empirical mean (148.63) of overall subject, this shows that •eldest mother, middle child and The youngest children have high mental readiness to face puberty.
Description: 62 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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