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Title: Hubungan antara Kontrol Diri dengan Perilaku Phubbing di SMA N-5 Pematang Siantar
Other Titles: The Correlation between Self Control and Phubbing Behavior in SMA N-5 Pematang Siantar
Authors: Togatorop, Yuli Hartati
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: DR, Maghfirah
Keywords: kontrol diri;perilaku phubbing;siswa;self control;behavior phubbing;student
Issue Date: 31-Jul-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188600364
Abstract: Smartphone salah satu teknologi informasi yang sangat berkembang pesntdan penggunaan yang lama akan mengalami kecanduan smatphone yangmengakibatkan mengabaikan sescorang lebih fckus terhadap smartphone yangdisebit perilaku phubhing Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubunganantara kentrol din dengan perilaku plubbing di SMA N-5 Pematang Siantar.Populast dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas XI dengan jumlah sampel dalampenclitian ini schanyak 130 siswa dengan teknik pengambilan sampcl yangdigunakan alalah purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data ini menggunakanskala komuol diri dan perlaku phubbing. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadalah korelasi product mament dari Karl Pearson. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungansecara hipoiciik dan empirik. kontrol diri tergolongrendah sebab nilai meanhipotetil. sebesar 55 dan empiriknya 45.84 dan perilaku phubbing tergolong tinggidengan nilai mean hipotetik sebesar 37,5 dan empiriknya 53,67. Hasil Penelitien inimenunjukkan koefisien korelasi r' = -0.616 dengan nilai signifikansi p=0,000<0.05 atinva ada hubungan negatifantam kontrol diri dengan perilaku plubbing.Dengan hasil tersebur. hipotesis dalam penclitian ini capat diterima. Adapunsumbangan cfcktif dani kontrol diri mempengaruhi perilaku phubbing sebesar44.7%. Adapun faktor lainnya sebesar 55,3% perilaku phubbing dipengaruhi olehfaktor lain antara lain seperti: kondisi mood, ketersediaan waktu, lingkungan sekitarfaklor interpersonal, kecanduan media sosial, kecanduan game online dan sebagainya. Smartphones are one of the most developed information technologies, and long-term users will experience smartphone addiction which results in ignoring someone who is more focused on smartphones, which is called phubbing behavior. This research aims to determine the relationship between computer control and plubbing behavior at SMA N-5 Pematang Siantar. The population in this research is students. Class XI with the number of samples in this research was only 130 students with the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This data collection method uses a scale of self-communication and phubbing behavior. The data analysis technique used is Karl Pearson's product correlation. Based on the results of hypothetical and empirical calculations. Self-control is classified as low because of the hypothetic mean value. of 55 and the empirical value is 45.84 and phubbing behavior is classified as high with a hypothetical mean value of 37.5 and an empirical value of 53.67. The results of this research show that the correlation coefficient r' = -0.616 with a significance value of p = 0.000 <0.05 means there is a negative relationship between self-control and plumbing behavior. The hypothesis in this research can be accepted. The contribution of effectiveness and self-control influences phubbing behavior by 44.7%. As for other factors, 55.3% of phubbing behavior is influenced by other factors such as: mood condition, time availability, surrounding environment, interpersonal factors, social media addiction, online game addiction and so on.
Description: 97 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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