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Title: Analisis Efektivitas Mesin Pembangkit Listrik dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness di PT. Dizamatra Powerindo (PL TP Sibayak)
Other Titles: Analysis of Effectiveness of Power Generation Machines by Overall Equipment Effectiveness Method in PT. Dizamatra Powerindo (PLTP Sibayak)
Authors: Harahap, Chairul Bahri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Ninny A.
Keywords: total productive maintenance;overall efectiveness;fishbone diagram
Issue Date: 10-Nov-2014
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;108150004
Abstract: Pennasalahan Produksi Listrik di PT Dizamatra Powerindo (PLTP Sibayak) dihadapkan pada downtime mesin yang besar pada mesin/peralatan pembangkit listrik. Downtime mesin yang besar berdampak pada tingkat produktivitas kegiatan produksi danjumlah produksi yang tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas maka dilakukan implementasi Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) dengan pengukuran Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Langkah yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan pengukuran OEE serta mengetahui faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi dengan perhitungan six big losses. Setelah itu mendapatkan penyebab permasalahan yang terjadi dengan menggunakan fishbone diagram. Basil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas pada Mesin Pembangkit Listrik Unit 1 (PLTP Sibayak) sebesar 49 ,54 % sehingga masih di bawah standart JIPM sebesar 85%. Faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi rendahnya nilai OEE adalah performance rate dengan faktor presentase six big losses pada reduce speed losess 72,93 % dari seluruh time loss. Hal yang dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi rendahnya nilai OEE pada Mesin Pembangkit Listrik Unit 1 (PLTP Sibayak) yaitu dengan diadakannya autonomous maintenance yang diberikan kepada operator. Melakukan training bagi teknisi maintenance serta melak.'Ukan pengawasan terhadap operator tentang kebersihan tempat kerja. Menggunakan sistem perawatan preventive maintenance pada komponen setiap mesin/peralatan utama pembangkit Iistrik tepatnya pada Bearing Pompa Liquid ring Vacuum Pump dan Pemeliharaan Power Supply bus bar 380 Volt untuk Pompa Vacuum Unit 1. Electricity production problem in PT Dizamatra Powerindo faced a huge engine downtime on machinery/equipment Power Plant. The huge engine downtime has a great impact on the level of productivity of the production activities and the production amount that were not as expected. In order to increase the productivity then it needs to apply the implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) by measuring Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Steps taken is apply OEE measurements and detennine the biggest factor affecting the calculation of the six big losses. After that get the cause of problems that occured by using the fishbone diagrams. The result of the research showed that the productivity of the Engine Power Plant Unit 1 (PLTP Sibayak) is 49.54% that still under the standard JIPM by 85%. The biggest factor affecting the performance of the low value of OEE is the performance rate by six big losses to reduce speed losess 72.93% of all time loss. This is done in anticipation of the low value of OEE in Power Plant Engineering Unit 1 (PLTP Sibayak) by applying the autonomous maintenance that is given to the operator. Conducting training for maintaning technicians and monitoring the operators on the cleanliness of the workplace. Applying the caring system of the preventive the maintenance on each component of the major engine/equipment power plant precisely at Bearing Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps and maintening Power Supply bus bars for 380 Volt Vacuum Pump Unit 1.
Description: 63 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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