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Title: Evaluasi Kebutuhan Air Irigasi Di Sei Parit Kecamatan Sei Rampah
Other Titles: Evaluation of Irrigation Water Needs in Sei Parit, Sei Rampah District
Authors: Ryan, Muhammad
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nurmaidah
Keywords: Kebutuhan Air Irigasi;Penman Modifikasi;Irigation Water Needs;Modified Penman
Issue Date: 7-Aug-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188110025
Abstract: Irigasi adalah pembuangan air buatan dari sumber air yang tersedia ke suatu lahan dengan tujuan mengalirkannya secara teratur sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. Pada daerah irigasi desa Sei Parit memiliki lahan pertanian yang cukup luas. Di desa Sei parit ini memiliki luas lahan fungsional 225 Ha. Daerah irigasi desa Sei Parit memiliki sumber air yang berasal dari bendungan Sei Parit, bendungan Sei Parit dengan lebar 22 meter dana tinggi 5 meter. Penelitian kebutuhan air berdasarkan karakteristik iklim perlu dilakukan untuk mendukung pengelolaan air dalam hal efisiensi penggunaan air dan kekeringan berdasarkan karakteristik iklim. Untuk mengetahui kebutuhan air dan evapotranspirasi dengan menggunakan metode penman modifikasi, untuk mengetahui debit air dengan menggunakan data curah hujan dan data yang didapat dilapangan. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan penulis menemukan bahwa kebutuhan air normal pada persawahan meningkat pada masa tanam II yang diperoleh sebesar 4.02 lt/det/ha. Pola tanam padi pada persawahan D.I Sei Parit diterapkan sebanyak 2 kali dalam 1 tahun, yakni pada bulan April - Juli untuk masa tanam I dan September – Desember pada masa tanam II.Berdasarkan analisis debit air maksimum diperoleh sebesar 23.73 m3/det dikarenakan curah hujan yang membesar dibulan desember. Irrigation is the discharge of artificial water from available water sources onto land with the aim of flowing it regularly according to plant needs. In the irrigation area, Sei Parit village has quite extensive agricultural land. In Sei Trench village, the functional land area is 225 Ha. The Sei Parit village irrigation area has a water source that comes from the Sei Parit dam, the Sei Parit dam is 22 meters wide and 5 meters high. Research on water needs based on climate characteristics needs to be carried out to support water management in terms of water use efficiency and drought based on climate characteristics. To determine water needs and evapotranspiration using the modified penman method, to determine water discharge using rainfall data and data obtained in the field. From the results of research conducted by the author, it was found that normal water requirements in rice fields increased during the second planting period, which was obtained at 4.02 lt/sec/ha. The rice planting pattern in the D.I Sei Parit rice fields is applied 2 times in 1 year, namely in April - July for the first planting period and September - December during the second planting period. Based on the analysis the maximum water discharge was obtained at 23.73 m3/sec due to heavy rainfall. grow in December.
Description: 85 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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