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dc.contributor.advisorWulandari, Tika Ernita-
dc.contributor.authorLubis, Muhammad Faizal Akbar-
dc.description54 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPerencanan konstruksi jalan sering ditemui keadaan daya dukung tanah dasar sangat rendah untuk dapat mendukung suatu konstruksi jalan terutama kendaraan lalulintas, salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan daya dukung tanah agar nilai stabilitas meningkat dengan menggunakan geotextile. Metode yang digunakan metode Bina marga/AASTHO jenis geotextile Woven GM-150 mempunyai kuat tarikk 26,20 kN/m , berat 150 gr/ serta modulus elastisitas 0,169, Tujuan penelitian meningkatkan nilai stabilitas tanah serta menntukan tebal perkerasan lapis sab-base proyek pembangunan jalan tol Jakarta- cikampek III (STA 4+ 400 s/d 5+ 000). Hasil analisa stabilitas lereng terhadap pergeseran tanah diperoleh Fs 16,07 ≥1,5 tebal lapis sub-base, SN = + + ,150 = 0,44.100 + 0,14.250 +0,11. diperoleh D3 645,5 mm , tebal urugan stabilisasi yang dibutuhkan 375 mm pertambahan tebal lapisan stabilisasi akibat kontaminasi dan lapisan bawah sub base 150 mm. diperoleh tebal lapisan stabilisasi tanpa geotekstile polyfelt D.375+150 = 525 m, tebal urugan stabilisasi yang dibutuhkan 300 mm maka tebal urugan stabilisasi mula-mula tanpa geotekstile polyfelt 525 m. Penghematan tebal urugan stabilisasi menggunakan geotekstile polyfelt 525- 300 = 225 mm kebutuhan geotextile woven masing-masing irisan panjang woven Le 3,79 m.Kesimpulan geotextile pada lapis sub-base dapat meningkatkan stabiltas tanah menunjukkan pengikatan geotekstile sangat mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kestabilan lereng begitu juga pengurangan tebal lapis timbunan perkerasan sub-base dan memenuhi factor keamanan. Road construction planning often finds that the bearing capacity of the subgrade is very low to be able to support road construction, especially traffic vehicles. One way to increase the bearing capacity of the soil so that the stability value increases is by using geotextiles. The method used is the Bina marga/AASTHO method, Woven GM-150 geotextile type, which has a tensile strength of 26.20 kN/m, a weight of 150 gr/m^2 and an elastic modulus of 0.169. The aim of the research is to increase the soil stability value and determine the thickness of the project's base layer pavement. construction of the Jakarta- Cikampek III toll road (STA 4+ 400 to 5+ 000). The results of the analysis of slope stability against soil shifts obtained Fs 16.07 ≥1.5 sub-base layer thickness, SN = + + ,150 = 0,44.100 + 0,14.250 +0,11. obtained D3 645.5 mm, the thickness of the stabilization backfill required is 375 mm, the increase in the thickness of the stabilization layer due to contamination and the sub base layer is 150 mm. The thickness of the stabilization layer without polyfelt geotextile is obtained D.375+150 = 525 m, the required thickness of stabilization backfill is 300 mm, so the initial thickness of stabilization backfill without polyfelt geotextile is 525 m. Savings on the thickness of stabilization fill using polyfelt geotextiles 525-300 = 225 mm, the need for woven geotextiles for each slice of woven length is Le 3.79 m. The conclusion is that geotextiles in the sub-base layer can increase soil stability, showing that geotextile binding has a big influence on slope stability as well as reducing the thickness of the sub-base pavement layer and meeting safety factors.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectstabilitas tanahen_US
dc.subjectlapis pondasi ac-bcen_US
dc.subjectsoil stabilityen_US
dc.subjectac-bc foundation layeren_US
dc.titleMetode Perbaikan Tanah dengan Geotextile untuk Peningkatan Daya Dukung Lapis Pondasi Sub-Grade Perkerasan Jalanen_US
dc.title.alternativeSoil Improvement Method with Geotextiles to Increase the Carrying Capacity of Road Pavement Sub-Grade Foundation Layersen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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