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dc.contributor.advisorPolewangi, Yudi Daeng-
dc.contributor.authorVeronika, Devi-
dc.description73 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractUD. Sinar Traso Merupakan perusahaan dagang bahan bangunan, menghasilkan produk seperti batako. dalam proses produksi batako, mesin cetak batako memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas.Perusahaan sering menghadapi masalah seperti kerusakan mesin yang menyebabkan downtime. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui nilai OEE, mengetahui perbandingan nilai OEE Mesin Cetak Batako dengan nilai OEE Internasional, Untuk mengetahui besarnya masing-masing faktor yang terdapat pada Six Big Losses, dan mengetahui faktor yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan dari Mesin Cetak Batako. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) yaitu pengukuran efektivitas mesin atau peralatan dengan menghitung ketersediaan mesin (availability), kinerja mesin (performance), Tingkat Kualitas Produk Mesin (Quality Rate) dan Faktor Six Big Losses (enam kerugian). Hasil Penelitian ini diperoleh Nilai OEE dari Mesin Cetak Batako yaitu sebesar 54,71%,jika dibandingkan dengan nilai OEE internasional masih belum mencapai standar dimana nilai OEE internasional sebasar 85%. Besarnya faktor yang terdapat pada Six Big Losses yaitu nilai Equipment Failure Losses sebasar 13,15%, nilai Setup and Adjustment Losses sebasar 7,37%, nilai Idle and Minor Stoppage Losses sebasar 44,37%, nilai Reduce Speed Losses sebasar 28,64%, nilai Deffect Losses sebasar 0,43%, dan nilai Reduce Yield sebasar 0%. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi rendahnya nilai OEE ini dikarenakan terjadinya Speed Losses dengan faktor Idle and Minor Stoppage Losses menyebabkan waktu yang tidak efektif sebesar 44,37% dan faktor reduce speed losses menyebabkan waktu yang tidak efektif sebesar 28,64%. Sehingga diperlukan perbaikan pada operator, mesin, dan sistem perawatan untuk meningkatkan jumlah produksi dan mencapai hasil yang diinginkan. UD. Sinar Traso is a building materials trading company, producing products such as bricks. In the brick production process, the brick molding machine plays an important role in increasing productivity. Companies often face problems such as machine breakdowns which cause downtime. The aim of this research is to find out the OEE value, to find out the comparison of the OEE value of the Brick Printing Machine with the International OEE value, to find out the magnitude of each factor contained in the Six Big Losses, and to find out the factors that are priority improvements for the Brick Printing Machine. The method used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method, namely measuring the effectiveness of machines or equipment by calculating machine availability (availability), machine performance (performance), Machine Product Quality Level (Quality Rate) and the Six Big Losses Factor (six losses). The results of this research showed that the OEE value of the Brick Printing Machine was 54.71%, when compared with the international OEE value, it still did not reach the standard where the international OEE value was 85%. The magnitude of the factors contained in the Six Big Losses are the Equipment Failure Losses value of 13.15%, the Setup and Adjustment Losses value of 7.37%, the Idle and Minor Stoppage Losses value of 44.37%, the Reduce Speed ​​Losses value of 28.64 %, the Defect Losses value is 0.43%, and the Reduce Yield value is 0%. The main factor that influences the low OEE value is due to the occurrence of Speed ​​Losses with the Idle and Minor Stoppage Losses factor causing ineffective time of 44.37% and the reduce speed losses factor causing ineffective time of 28.64%. So improvements are needed in operators, machines and maintenance systems to increase production volume and achieve the desired results.en_US
dc.subjectoverall equipment effectivenessen_US
dc.subjectquality rateen_US
dc.subjectsix big lossesen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Nilai Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) pada Mesin Cetak Batako untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas di UD. Sinar Trasoen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Values ​​on Brick Printing Machines to Increase Productivity at UD. Sinar Trasoen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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