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dc.contributor.advisorBanjarnahor, Marali-
dc.contributor.authorSimanjuntak, Yunkabae-
dc.description64 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractCV.Aneka Teknik Mandiri merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengecoran logam atau bubut.Banyaknya pesanan produksi menjadikan karyawan mengalami beban mental dan fisik,sehingga perlu perbaikan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode DRAWS dan kuisioner menggunakan 4 variabel yaitu input demand,central demand,out put demand,dan time preasure. pengukuran fisik denyut jantung menggunakan alat oximeter dengan melakukan pengukuran sesuai skor CVL.Hasil pengolahan dari data DRAWS dimana rata rata skor di bagian Lantai produksi mencapai 60,97 % dimana skor berada <60 % masuk pada kategori overload dan dibutuhkan perbaikan .pada total rata rata rating ke 4 variabel DRAWS dominan dirasakan oleh variabel central demand berada di skor 64,47 %.Untuk beban Fisik yang dialami karyawan yang diukur dengan alat oximeter didapat bahwa 16 orang karyawan mengalami beban fisik berlebihan rata rata besar %CVL > 30% atau terjadi kelelahan pada saat bekerja ,dan 4 orang staf manegerial tidak terjadi kelelahan.Faktor penyebabnya ,tingginya beban kerja yang diterima pekeja diluar kemampuanya,dan faktor tata letak mesin bubutnya. CV.Aneka Teknik Mandiri is a company operating in the field metal casting or lathe. The large number of production orders makes employees experience mental and physical burdens, so it is necessary improvement. This research uses the DRAWS method and questionnaires uses 4 variables, namely input demand, central demand, output demand, and time pressure. physical measurement of heart rate using a device oximeter by taking measurements according to the CVL score. Processing results from DRAWS data where the average score in the Production Floor section reached 60.97% where the score is <60% is in the overload and needed category improvements in the total average rating of the 4 dominant DRAWS variables were felt by the central demand variable is at a score of 64.47%. For the physical load experienced by employees as measured by an oximeter, it was found that 16 people employees experience excessive physical load, the average %CVL is > 30% or Fatigue occurred while working, and 4 managerial staff did not occur Fatigue. The causal factor is the high workload received by workers beyond his capabilities, and the lathe layout factor.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectBeban kerjaen_US
dc.subjectbeban mentalen_US
dc.subjectbeban fisiken_US
dc.subjectphysical loaden_US
dc.subjectmental burdenen_US
dc.titlePengukuran Beban Kerja Mental Karyawan Dengan Menggunakan Metode Defence Research Agency Workload Scale (Draws) Dan Fisiologis Pada CV. Aneka Teknik Mandirien_US
dc.title.alternativeMeasuring Employee Mental Workload Using Defense Research Agency Workload Scale (Draws) and Physiological Methods at CV. Various Independent Techniquesen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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