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Title: Usulan Strategi Pemasaran Menggunakan Metode Swot di UMKM Batik Ardhina
Other Titles: Proposed Marketing Strategy Using the Swot Method in Batik Ardhina MSMEs
Authors: Razwin, Muhammad
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Prasetyo, Healthy Aldriany
Keywords: Batik;Marketing Strategy;SWOT Method;Strategi Pemasaran
Issue Date: 22-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;198150066
Abstract: UMKMiBatik iArdhina imerupakan iindustri i yang imemproduksi idua i(2) jenis produk batik diantaranya ibatik itulis idan icap. iUMKMiBatik iArdhina yang memproduksi isecara imanual.iStrategi iyang diterapkan idalam ipemasaran Batik iArdhina imasih iberupa idari iorang ike orang idan ihanya imenggunakan media iwhatsapp idan ifacebook. iYang imana ini imenjadi imasalah ibagi UMKM batik iardhina iterlihat idari igrafik ipenjualan yang imengalami inaik iturun imulaiidari itahun i2022-2023. iProduk ibatik iyang ditawarkan iadalah ibatik itulis idan batik icap idengan iharga iproduk ibatik sendiri iberkisar iantara iRp165.000– Rp600.000/pcs. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah ingin imengetahui ikriteria iterpilih pada strategi ipemasaran ibatik idiiUMKM Batik iArdhina dan ingin imengetahui usulan ialternatif iterbaikistrategi pemasaran idi iUMKM iBatik iArdhina. iAnalisis tersebut ididasarkan ipada faktor internal idan ifaktor ieksternal iyang idiperoleh melalui ipengumpulan idata primer. iDengan imenggunakan imetode ianalisis SWOT. Hasil analisis strategi pemasaran pada UMKM Batik Ardhina dengan menggunakan metode swot yaitu kondisi yang menunjukkan bahwa UMKM Batik Ardhina berada pada posisi memanfaatkan strategi so (strength - opportunitis) maupun ST ( strength - threats ) yang mempunyai nilai skor tertinggi SO = 4,75 dan ST = 4,56 selanjutnya diikuti WO = 3,64 dan WT =3,45. yang nantinya didapatkan hasil strategi pemasaran baik dari perhitungan IFAS Dan EFAS . Batik Ardhina MSME is an industry that produces two (2) types of batik products including written and stemped batik. Ardhina Batik MSME is still producing by hand. The marketing strategy used by Ardhina Batik is still personto- person and only uses whatsapp and facebook media. This is a problem for Ardhina Batik MSME, as can be seen from the sales graph, which experiences ups and down from 2022-2023. The batik products offered are written batik and stemped batik with the price of batik products itself rangging from IDR 165,000- IDR 600,000/ Piece. This research aimed to determine the selected criteria for batik marketing strategy at Batik Ardhina MSME and to find out the best alternative marketing strategy proposals for Batik Ardhina MSME. The analysis we basedd on internal dan external factors obtained through primary data collection using SWOT analysis method. The results of the marketing strategy analysis for Batik Ardhina MSME using the SWOT method were conditions that showed that Batik Ardhina MSME was able to utilize SO ( Strength-opportunities) and ST ( Strength-threats) strategies by WO = 3,64 and WT = 3,45 then it would result in good marketing strategy results from IFAS and EFAS calculations.
Description: 79 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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