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dc.contributor.advisorRahman, Abdul-
dc.contributor.authorSyahputra, Muhammad-
dc.description77 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh ukuran berat benih dan durasi pemanasan terhadap pengaruh ukuran berat benih dan durasi pemanasan terhadap daya kecambah kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) varietas tenera lame di Socfindo Seed Production And Laboratories PT. Socfin Indonesia Bangun Bandar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 6 bulan (Januari- Juni 2023). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu ukuran berat benih terdiri dari 3 taraf antara lain : (1) V1 = 0 1 gram, (2) V2 = 1,1 2 gram, (3) V3 = 2,1 3 gram. Faktor perlakuan kedua yaitu durasi lama pemanasan terdiri atas 5 taraf perlakuan anatara lain : (1) P0 = 0 minggu (kontrol), (2) P1 = 5 minggu, (3) P2 = 7 minggu, (4) P3 = 9 minggu, (5) P4 = 11 minggu. Parameter yang di ukur antara lain yaitu daya berkecambah, benih rusak, panjang radikula, panjang plumula, embrio normal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ukuran berat benih berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap daya berkecambah, panjang radikula dan panjang plumula, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap benih rusak dan embrio normal. Ukuran berat benih yang terbaik adalah 2,1 3 gram. (2) Durasi pemanasan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap seluruh parameter pengamatan. Durasi pemanasan yang terbaik adalah 9 minggu (63 hari). (3) Interaksi (kombinasi ukuran berat benih dengan durasi pemanasan) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap daya berkecambah, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap benih rusak, panjang radikula, panjang plumula dan embrio normal. Interaksi yang terbaik adalah ukuran berat benih 2,1 3 gram dengan durasi pemanasan 9 minggu. This study aims to determine how big the influence of seed weight and heating duration is on the effect of seed weight and heating duration on the germination of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) tenera lame varieties at Socfindo Seed Production And Laboratories PT. Socfin Indonesia Builds a Bookie. This research was carried out for 6 months (January-June 2023). This research used a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 2 treatment factors, namely seed weight consisting of 3 levels, including: (1) V1 = 0≤1 gram, (2) V2 = 1,1≤2 grams, (3) ) V3 = 2,1≤3 grams. The second treatment factor, namely the duration of heating, consists of 5 treatment levels, including: (1) P0 = 0 weeks (control), (2) P1 = 5 weeks, (3) P2 = 7 weeks, (4) P3 = 9 weeks, (5) P4 = 11 weeks. The parameters measured include germination capacity, damaged seeds, radicle length, plumule length, normal embryos. The research results showed that (1) Seed weight had a very significant effect on germination capacity, radicle length and plumule length, but had no significant effect on damaged seeds and normal embryos. The best seed weight is 2,1≤3 grams. (2) The duration of heating has a very significant effect on all observation parameters. The best heating duration is 9 weeks (63 days). (3) The interaction (combination of seed weight and heating duration) had a very significant effect on germination, but had no real effect on damaged seeds, radicle length, plumule length and normal embryos. The best interaction is a seed weight of 2,1≤3 grams with a heating duration of 9 weeks.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectkelapa sawit (elaeis guineensis jacq.)en_US
dc.subjectukuran berat benihen_US
dc.subjectdurasi pemanasanen_US
dc.subjectoil palm (elaeis guineensis jacq.)en_US
dc.subjectseed weighten_US
dc.subjectheating durationen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Ukuran Berat Benih dan Durasi Pemanasan terhadap Daya Kecambah Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Varietas Tenera Lame di Socfindo Seed Production and Laboratories PT. Socfin Indonesia Bangun Bandaren_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Effect of Seed Weight Size and Heating Duration on the Germination of Tenera Lame Varieties of Palm Oil (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) at Socfindo Seed Production and Laboratories PT. Socfin Indonesia Bangun Bandaren_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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