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Title: Penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices (Gmp) dan Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (Ssop) di Pabrik Kerupuk Pak Aceng
Other Titles: Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (Gmp) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (Ssop) at the Pak Aceng Cracker Factory
Authors: Suryahadi, Novendra
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Puspita, Riana
Keywords: good manufacturing practices (gmp);sanitation standard operating procedures (ssop);keamanan pangan;manajemen kebersihan;pabrik kerupuk pak aceng;food saftey;hygiene management;pak aceng cracker factory
Issue Date: 28-Aug-2024
Series/Report no.: NPM;208150033
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekomendasikan penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices dan Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) sebagai persyaratan dasar keamanan pangan sangat penting diterapkan oleh setiap industri pangan untuk menjamin keamanan dan keutuhan produk yang dihasilkan. Prinsip penerapan GMP dimulai dari proses penerimaan bahan baku hingga produk siap dikonsumsi. SSOP menjadi program sanitasi wajib suatu industri untuk meningkatkan mutu produk dan menjamin sistem keamanan produksi pangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik observasi langsung dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) dan SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) di Pabrik Kerupuk Pak Aceng telah menerapkan sebagian besar aspek GMP dan SSOP, namun terdapat beberapa aspek yang masih perlu ditingkatkan secara signifikan, terutama pada kebersihan, sanitasi, dan penggunaan peralatan tradisional yang terbatas. Dengan begitu, penerapan GMP dan SSOP di pabrik kerupuk Pak Aceng masih memerlukan perbaikan di berbagai aspek. Namun, dengan komitmen yang kuat dari manajemen dan pelatihan yang memadai bagi karyawan, penerapan GMP dan SSOP dapat ditingkatkan. Hal ini tidak hanya akan meningkatkan kualitas dan keamanan produk, tetapi juga meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen dan efisiensi produksi pabrik. This research aims to recommend the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as a basic requirement for food safety are very important implemented by every food industry to ensure safety and integrity the product produced. The principle of implementing GMP starts from the acceptance process raw materials to products ready for consumption. SSOP is a mandatory sanitation program an industry to improve product quality and ensure safety systems food production. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method direct observation techniques and in-depth interviews. Research result shows that the implementation of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures) at the Pak Aceng Cracker Factory implement most aspects of GMP and SSOP, but there are several aspects which still need to be improved significantly, especially on cleanliness, sanitation, and limited use of traditional equipment. That way, implementation GMP and SSOP at the Pak Aceng cracker factory still require improvement various aspects. However, with a strong commitment from management and training adequate for employees, the implementation of GMP and SSOP can be improved. Matter This will not only improve product quality and safety, but also increasing consumer confidence and factory production efficiency.
Description: 70 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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