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dc.contributor.advisorPurba, Annawati Dewi-
dc.contributor.advisorNovita, Eryanti-
dc.contributor.authorSibarani, Yanti Kristina-
dc.descriptionSelf regulated learning merupakan aspek penting dari perfomansi siswa berprestasi (Zimmerman & Schunk, 1998). Self regulated learning adalah suatu proses pengaturan diri dan strategi yang melibatkan metakognisi, motivasional, dan behavioral dalam mengoptimalkan proses pembelajaran (Zimmerman, 1990). Self regulated learning dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan yaitu budaya. Adanya harapan sosial, nilai-nilai, dan keyakinan akan pendidikan dapat mendasari keterampilan self regulated learning seseorang (Turingan, 2009). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedan self regulated learning siswa etnis batak dan india tamil di SMK Brigjen Katamso Medan. Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan self regulated learning antara siswa etnis batak dan siswa etnis india tamil di SMK Brigjen Katamso Medan. Metode pengambilan sample adalah Purposive sampling dengan jumlah sample 60 siswa dengan perincian 30 orang siswa etnis batak dan 30 orang siswa etnis india tamil. Hasil ini diketahui dengan melihat nilai atau koefisien pvalue = 0,000<0,050 dan koefisien t= -5,811. Dimana perbedaan ini perbedaan ini juga dapat dilihat dari nilai mean atau rata-rata yang diperoleh oleh dua kelompok siswa, yaitu self regulated learning siswa etnis batak lebih tinggi dengan nilai mean 100.83 dibandingkan dengn self regulated learning siswa etnis india tamil dengan nilai mean 87.10 yang dikategorikan rendah. Dengan demikian maka hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan diterima.en_US
dc.description.abstractSelf regulated learning is an important aspect of student performance (Zimmerman & Schunk, 1998). Self regulated learning is a process of self-regulation and strategy that involves metacognition, motivational, and behavioral in optimizing the learning process (Zimmerman, 1990). Self regulated learning is influenced by environmental factors that is culture. The existence of social expectations, values, and beliefs about education can be based self regulated learning skills of a person (Turingan, 2009). This study aims to determine the difference of self regulated learning students of ethnic Batak and india tamil in SMK Brigjen Katamso Medan. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a difference of self regulated learning between students of ethnic Batak and ethnic students of India tamil in SMK Brikjen Katamso Medan. The sampling method is Purposive sampling with sample number 60 students with details of 30 students of Batak ethnic and 30 students of ethnic Indian tamil. This result is known by looking at the value or coefficient pvalue = 0,000 <0.050 and coefficient t = -5.811. Where this difference can also be seen from the mean or average obtained by two groups of students, namely self-regulated learning of higher ethnic Batak students with a mean value of 100.83 compared with self-regulated learning students of ethnic Indian tamil with a mean of 87.10 are categorized low. Thus, the hypothesis proposed acceptable.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectself regulated learningen_US
dc.titlePerbedaan Self Regulated Learning Siswa Etnis Batak dan India Tamil di SMK Brigjen Katamso Medanen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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