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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Mulia-
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Pinta Ito-
dc.descriptionPenelitan ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menguji dan mendapatkan data secara empiris mengenai hubungan dukungan sosial dengan coping stress pada remaja. Sejalan dengan landasan teori, maka diajukan hipotesa yang berbunyi ada hubungan positif antara dukungan sosial dengan coping stress pada remaja. Dimana Semakin tinggi dukungan sosial maka semakin tinggi juga coping stress. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah dukungan sosial maka semakin rendah pula coping stress. Penelitian ini melibatkan 72 remaja di Pesantren Ar-raudhatul Hasanah sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik total sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument skala likert untuk skala dukungan sosial dan skala coping stress. Skala dukungan sosial disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek dukungan sosial menurut Sarafino, 1998 (dalam Lubis, N.L,& Hasnida, 2009) yaitu: (1) Dukungan emosional, (2) Dukungan penghargaan atau harga diri, (3) Dukungan instrumental, (4) Dukungan informatif dan (5) Dukungan integrasi sosial. Skala coping stress disusun berdasarkan fungsi dari coping stress menurut Lazarus, 1984 (dalam Jaya, 2017) yaitu: 1) Emotion-focused Coping: (a) Pendekatan Perilaku (b) Pendekatan Kognitif, (2) Problem-focused Coping. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperoleh hasil terdapat hubungan positif antara dukungan sosial dengan coping stress. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi, dimana rxy = 0.676 ; p = 0.000 < 0.05. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R square) penelitian dengan nilai sebesar 0.456. Dapat diartikan bahwa variable dukungan sosial mempengaruhi coping stress sebesar 45,6%. Dari hasil perhitungan mean hipotetik dan mean empirik diperoleh dukungan sosial dengan coping stress berada pada kategori tinggi.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was a quantitative research that aims to test and obtain empirical data about social support relationships with stress coping in adolescents. In line with the theoretical foundation, the hypothesis is proposed that says there is a positive relationship between social support and stress coping in adolescents. Where the higher social support, the higher the coping stress. Conversely, the lower the social support, the lower the coping stress. This study involved 72 adolescents at the Ar-raudhatul Hasanah Islamic Boarding School as the subject of research. Sampling is done by total sampling technique. This study uses a Likert scale instrument for social support scale and stress coping scale. The scale of social support is compiled based on aspects of social support according to Sarafino, 1998 (in Lubis, NL, & Hasnida, 2009), namely: (1) emotional support, (2) Support of appreciation or self-esteem, (3) instrumental support, (4 ) Informative support and (5) Social integration support. Stress coping scale is arranged based on the function of stress coping according to Lazarus, 1984 (in Jaya, 2017) is: 1) Emotion-focused Coping: (a) Behavioral Approach (b) Cognitive Approach, (2) Problem-focused Coping. Based on data analysis, obtained results there is a positive relationship between social support with coping stress. This result is proven by the correlation coefficient, where rxy = 0.676; p = 0.000 <0.05. Value of the determination coefficient (R square) of the study with a value of 0.456. It can be interpreted that social support variables affect coping stress by 45.6%. From the results of the calculation of the mean hypothetical and empirical mean obtained social support with stress coping is in the high category.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectdukungan sosialen_US
dc.subjectcoping stressen_US
dc.subjectsocial supporten_US
dc.titleHubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Coping Stress pada Remaja di Pesantren Ar Raudhatul Hasanahen_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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