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Title: Hubungan Kepercayaan Diri dengan Minat Membeli Barang Bermerek PadaMahasiswaPsikologiUniversitas Medan Area
Other Titles: The Relationship between Confidence and Interest in Buying Branded Goods At the University of Medan Area Psychology Students
Authors: Aulia, Muhammad Fikri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Nugraha, M. Fadli
Keywords: mahasiswa;confidence;Students;minat beli;kepercayaan diri
Issue Date: 16-Sep-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;158600086
Abstract: PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuidanmenganalisissecaraempirisHu bunganAntaraKepercayaanDiridenganMinatMembeliBarangBermerkMaha siswaPsikologiUniversitasMedanArea.Adapunjumlahsampeldalampeneliti an ini sebanyak 65 Mahasiswa stambuk 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampelpadapenelitianinimenggunakanincidentalsampling adalahteknikpenentuansampelberdasarkankebetulanyaitusiapasajayangs ecaraincidentalbertemudengan peneliti dapat digunakan sebagai sampel, apabila orang yang kebetulanditemui cocok sebagai sumber data. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah metode skala, yaitu skala minat membeli berdasarkan aspek-aspek dalamminat beli menurut Kinnear dan Taylor (dalam Sukmawati, 2004). Ketertarikan(interest) yang menunjukkan adanya pemusatan perhatian dan perasaan senang.Keinginan(desire)ditunjukkandenganadanyadoronganuntukinginm emiliki.Keyakinan(conviction)ditunjukkandenganadanyaperasaanpercayad iriindividuterhadapkualitas,dayagunadankeuntungandariprodukyangakan dibeli.Skalakepercayaandiridalampenelitianinidiambilberdasarkanaspekda rikepercayaan diri menurut Lauster (dalam Syam dan Amri, 2017): Keyakinan akankemampuan diri, Optimis, Obyektif, Bertanggung jawab, Rasional. Kedua skaladiatas menggunakan skala Likert.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis korelasiproductmoment,dapatdiketahuibahwaterdapathubunganpositifan taraKepercayaan diri dengan Minat membeli. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisienkorelasirxy=0,953,denganSignifikanp=0,000<0,05.Koefisiendeter minan(r2)dari hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat adalah r2= 0,909. InimenunjukkanbahwaKepercayaandiriberdistribusisebesar90,90%terhada pMinatmembeli. Thisstudyaimstodetermineandanalyzeempiricallytherelationshipbetweens elf-confidence and interest in buying branded goods by psychology students at theMedan Area University. The number of samples in this study was 65 students withstamps 2018. The sampling technique in this study using incidental sampling is asampling technique based on chance, that is, anyone who incidentally meets theresearcher can be used as a sample, if the person who happened to be met issuitableasadatasource.Themethodusedinthisstudyisthescalemethod,nam elythe scale of buying interest based on aspects of buying interest according toKinnear and Taylor (in Sukmawati, 2004). Interest (interest) which shows theconcentration of attention and feelings of pleasure. Desire (desire) is indicated bythe urge to want to have. Conviction is indicated by the individual's feeling ofconfidenceinthequality,usabilityandbenefitsoftheproducttobepurchased. Theself-confidence scale in this study was taken based on aspects of selfconfidenceaccording to Lauster (in Syam and Amri, 2017): Belief in selfability, Optimistic,Objective, Responsible, Rational. The two scales above use a Likert scale. Basedon the calculation results of product moment correlation analysis, it can be seenthat there is a positive relationship between self-confidence and buying interest.This result is evidenced by the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.953, with significantp = 0.000 <0.05. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between theindependent variable and the dependent variable is r2 = 0.909. Th
Description: 138 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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