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Title: Penerapan Sistem Produksi Just In Time ( Jit) Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Produksi Sesuai Permintaan Di Bengkel Agus Las
Other Titles: Implementation of Just In Time (Jit) Production System To Improve Production Performance Accordingly Request at Agus Las Workshop
Authors: Rahman, Arif Ali
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Ninny
Silviana, Nukhe Andri
Keywords: just in time;efficiency;raw materials;socts;bahan baku;efiensi;biaya
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178150113
Abstract: Penerapan metode Just in time (JIT) pada Bengkel Agus Las diharapkan dalam proses produksinya akan memiliki biaya yang rendah, harga jual yang murah, kualitas yang baik, dan kemampuan ketepatan waktu pengiriman kepada konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan sistem Just In Time dalam meningkatkan efesiensi produksi pada Bengkel Las.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode Just In Time lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode perusahaan dengan persentase efisiensi sebesar 33.08 %. Penerapan sistem Just In Time lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode perusahaan dengan persentase efisiensi pembelian bahan baku sebesar 20,06 %. Hal ini dikarenakan pembelian dengan sistem Just In Time kebutuhan bahan baku telah ditetapkan dari rencana produksi yang telah direncanakan untuk 12 bulan kedepan. Hasilnya jumlah pembelian bahan baku sesuai dengan kebutuhan produksi, jumlah bahan baku yang dibeli tidak lagi tergantung pada jumlah pasokan yang diterima perusahaan dari pemasok. Metode Just In Time telah menurunkan total biaya persediaan bahan baku bengkel las sebesar 20,10 %. 4. Total biaya persediaan bahan baku berdasarkan metode yang diterapkan perusahaan adalah sebesar Rp 1.557.124.000 dan dengan penerapan sistem Just In Time total biaya persediaan bahan baku yaitu sebesar Rp 1.236.810.000. Selisih yang didapat dari perhitungan kedua metode tersebut yaitu sebesar Rp 320.314.000. Metode Just In Time telah menurunkan total biaya persediaan bahan baku sebesar 20,10%. Secara keseluruhan implementasi sistem Just In Time telah menurukan biaya perencanaan persediaan bahan baku. Penurunan biaya total tersebut dikarenakan transformasi yang dilakukan metode Just In Time, yaitu mentransformasi kebutuhan bahan baku bulanan ke harian. The application of the Just in time (JIT) method at the Agus Las Workshop is expected in the production process will have low costs, low selling prices, good quality, and ability on time delivery to consumer. The purpose of the research is to find out how it is applied the Just In Time system in increasing production efficiency at the Welding Workshop.. The results of the study show that the Just In Time method is better than with the company method with an efficiency percentage of 33.08%. The application of the Just In Time system is better than the method companies with the percentage of raw material purchasing efficiency of 20.06%. This is due to purchases using the Just In Time system for raw material requirements has been determined from the production plan that has been planned for 12 months forward. The result is the number of purchases of raw materials according to needs production, the amount of raw materials purchased no longer depends on the amount supplies that the company receives from suppliers. The Just In Time method has reduce the total cost of raw material inventory for the welding workshop by 20.10%. 4. Total cost of raw material inventory based on the method applied company is IDR 1,557,124,000 and with the application of the Just In system Time the total cost of raw material inventory is IDR 1,236,810,000. Difference obtained from the calculation of the two methods is Rp 320,314,000. The Just In Time method has reduced the total cost of material inventory standard of 20.10%. Overall the implementation of the Just In Time system has been reduce the cost of raw material inventory planning. Decrease in total costs This is due to the transformation carried out by the Just In Time method, namely transform monthly to daily raw material requirements.
Description: 76 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Industrial Engineering

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